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To day is Monday Mantra and the one I have chosen today is "I am whole and heartily perfect!"
There are hundreds of thousands of books, videos, Cd's and courses that are aimed at the "self improvement" market. The reason they are so popular is many of us, myself included, feel that if we read the book, watch the video, listen to the Cd and attend the course, then maybe, just maybe, we will fixed. We will find the missing jigsaw puzzle piece that will make you whole again. We see ourselves as imperfect souls looking for the right person, concept or idea to come into our life and to make us feel whole and perfect. In reality, we are already there. We are perfect, we are whole, we do not need to be fixed or improved.
Now, there is absolutely nothing wrong in making positive changes in your life to help you achieve goals. There is nothing wrong in making healthy changes to your diet or to increase your exercise to help you to feel healthier inside and out. There is nothing wrong with reading books, listening to Cd's and attending courses, soaking up as much knowledge and learning life tools along the way. All of these pursuits are valid and enrich our lives. It only becomes an issue when we believe that these pursuits will make us happier or will make us feel more complete. Nothing can make you any more complete and perfect than you already are NOW.
When you look at your original self and see that your perfection shines out despite the ego's best efforts to make you feel that somehow you are less than you should be, you recognise the self that already approves of you!
So you see - you are whole and heartily perfect!
Love and Blessings,
Jean Fisher-Taylor
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