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Self love is not a doing action but an inner experience from which self-loving behaviour is born. Loving yourself is essentially about releasing negative self concepts, beliefs, guilt or shame or self judgement that stands in the way of embracing the truth of who you really are. It prevents you from seeing your inherent worth. When you begin to see the value of you, others will too. Self love makes every area of your life better not just romantic love and relationships.
Rumi says - "Your task is not to seek for love, but....the barriers within yourself that you have built against it".
When you start to act more lovingly towards yourself you will ignite a renewed relationship with yourself. You will begin to reprogramme your subconscious mind with a new way of relating with yourself.
Below are some ideas for taking some time out to honour and respect yourself by treating yourself more lovingly.
Eating more healthy foods.
Drinking enough fluids.
Seeking healing and support to release past negative emotions.
Changing negative self beliefs to positive one's with daily affirmations.
Setting inspiring goals.
Doing absolutely nothing but relaxing and simply being with yourself.
Respecting your boundaries and saying NO when it feels right.
Transforming or decorating your home and surrounding yourself with beautiful objects.
Nourishing and caring for your body through exercise and meditation.
Treating yourself to a pamper - a facial, massage or new hair do.
Buying clothes and colours that reflect your true self.
Taking up new hobbies or activities that spark passion within you.
Being honest with yourself, listening and honouring your true feelings.
Speaking kindly about yourself at all times.
Short breaks and retreats away to feed the mind, body and soul.
Spend time outdoors, fresh air blows away stale energy and leaves you refreshed.
Make lists of all your achievements, gifts and qualities.
Forgiving yourself for any mistakes that have been made.
This list is endless and I am sure you can think of other things that would make you feel good. Self love is not a selfish pursuit. Only when you can truly accept yourself and treat yourself with loving respect will you feel in complete harmony with yourself. When you are in harmony, the universe conspires to bring you more harmony as that is what you are attracting.
Loving me......Loving you!
Jean Fisher-Taylor
(Inspiration was taken from Aine Belton - Global Love)
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