Today is Mantra Monday - each week I will post a different Mantra to use just like an affirmation. This week the mantra is ****I think I am IT****
This mantra is something that came up in my own self discovery of what I am all about. I remember sitting with a group of girls over 30 years ago. In the distance a beautiful girl walked past, pretty, confident and holding her head up high. I heard someone in my group say - "She thinks she is IT" All heads spun to look at the girl walking past and I remember this feeling of absolute dread in the pit of my stomach as I looked at the disgust registering on my friends faces. I made a huge mental note to myself that day to NEVER think that I was IT. I didn't really know what IT was, but I knew or believed it to be something terrible.
I then spent most of my teenage years and a large chunk of my adult life playing small. If someone payed me a compliment such as I looked nice or they liked my dress, I would quickly reply that it must be the poly filler I was wearing or that the dress was a bargain in a sale. Always at the back of my mind was the awful thought, please do not think that I think I am IT because I look nice today or because I am wearing a lovely dress. I threw the kind bouquet of words back at them in haste.
This negative belief from my teenage years left me with a low self esteem and I became my own worst critic. However, after spending the time weeding out negative thought patterns and behaviour patterns after working with great mentors like Doreen Virtue and Dr Robert Holden, being an avid reader of Louise L Hay, Lynn Grabhorn and Rhonda Byrne, I have finally let go of this self-judgement that made me miserable. When I thought bad about myself my reality brought me people, situations and events that mirrored my thoughts and sought to prove that I was less than perfect. I am proud to say at the age of 43 "I THINK I AM IT" By IT, I mean I am comfortable in my own skin, I accept the bits I love and I am kinder to the bits I don't. I am no longer ashamed to like and love myself. It took a great deal of self acceptance to get this point but I don't regret putting in the work.
Please take some time to weed out any negative thoughts that you have carried around for far too long and embrace the mantra "I think I am IT" - say it as many times as you need to until you start to believe it. I for one think you are IT!!!
Love and Blessings,
Jean Fisher-Taylor x
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