I had the inspiration to write this blog given to me in the most unusual way on Christmas Eve. Previously I had completed my Life Coaching and Happiness Coaching and knew that I wanted to call the business Truly Magnificent You. However, I sat on my ideas and paid them lip service occasionally whilst committing my time and energy to other pursuits. When Christmas Eve arrived I had the usual emotions of excitement, exhaustion mixed with a splash of stress. Just as I was about to haul my weary bones off to bed, Paul called me into the conservatory. He said he wanted to play me a CD he had bought for me as the words were exactly how he felt about me. Curious to hear what he had chosen, I listened with tears rolling down my cheeks as we danced to Bruno Mars "Just the way you are".
Whilst dancing and feeling such a rush of happiness and love in that moment, my inner light bulb sparked up and I knew instantly that those words of acceptance had to be shared to inspire that inner happiness and love in others. This blog idea was born along with a host of other plans to enable people to feel Truly Magnificent about themselves.
I will be back tomorrow with a Monday Mantra, hope you can join me.
Love and Blessings,
Jean Fisher-Taylor x
Photo from commons.wikimedia.org
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