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Sunday is a great day to take some time out to review the week that has gone. Look for as many things as possible to show gratitude to. Perhaps create your own Gratitude Journal. Include the lessons that have been learnt along the way this week too. Even in difficult situations and relationships there are things to be grateful for. If we always look for the gift in a negative situation, we are using our creative skills to look for the positive in everything and everyone, thus bringing more good into our every day lives.
I am grateful to my lovely daughter Rhianna for helping to set up my blog and Twitter.
I am grateful for the people who have taken the time to read this blog.
I am grateful to 171 people on Twitter who follow my tweets.
I am grateful for the bookings I have taken for workshops and treatments this week.
I am grateful to be celebrating my baby girl's 19th birthday today.
I am grateful that my husband made my breakfast this morning.
This is just an example of some of the things I have written in my gratitude journal today. Sometimes we are unaware of how many good things really do happen in a week. Life can be so busy that we have no time to remember all the small things that have happened. By taking the time to focus on the good and making a note of it, you continue to attract more of what you are focusing on.
So thank you to anyone dropping by to read my blog, I appreciate your time.
Love and Blessings,
Jean Fisher-Taylor
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