Monday, 31 January 2011
The Good Life
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Welcome to Mantra Monday!
Today's mantra is - "Every Single Day in Every Single Way My Life Gets Better and Better!"
I have taken this mantra from Rhonda Byrne's book Daily Teachings of The Secret. This is one of my favourite morning mantras. You have to really sound out each word and allow yourself to imagine any areas of your life that need to be improved becoming healed and getting better with each passing day. See your finances becoming plentiful. See your relationships blossoming and happy. See conflict replaced with understanding and compassion. See ill health disappearing and being replaced with strength and vitality.
In these words are the endless possibilities that life's challenges will be overcome and that the wonderful life you were born to have is ready to reveal itself to you.
Love and Blessings,
Jean Fisher-Taylor
Sunday, 30 January 2011
Look out there is a thief about!
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Danger - there is a thief in our midst and it's likely you will know them well, a loved one, a child, a friend, a parent or a colleague? Your valuables are safe but your energy..............well that is under threat!
In my quest to embrace self acceptance this year, I find myself more aware of key areas that need some tweaking. One of those key areas is protecting my energy. Most of us in life want to give all of ourselves to everyone in our life. We often, to our detriment, over commit our time and energy to everyone around us without thinking how this is affecting us.
Family and friends can end up treating us like emotional plug sockets. They plug in, offload all their troubles and woes. They then leave feeling better for having got everything off their chest and we are left utterly depleted and drained of all our energy. More often than not, we are also left carrying around their pain, thinking about it, looking for solutions to put it right and in general hurting ourselves and our health by taking on the worries and fears of the world.
I heard a saying "A mother is only as happy as her unhappiest child" for a long time I thought that to be true. However, young people are feeling their way through life just like we are. They are learning, making mistakes, trying to establish their place in the world. I have spent countless of sleepless nights worrying over my children's worries only to find that they have forgotten all about them and moved on to other things.
My mum is having a very difficult time adjusting to my dad going into care and with the relationship they have shared in the past. She is angry with the world, she is nursing wounds that go back 55 years. I only now realise that I can feel for her, love her and help her with practical thing like shopping, washing, ironing and doctors appointment. I can not actually live her emotion. When someone is so deep in their troubles, they are not always open to solutions or help. I have developed a mantra to say over and over again "I really feel for you but I must not live this for you"
Learning to love your yourself gives you permission to protect your energy. It is good to listen and it is good to be there for those we love but it is neither helpful or healthy for us to absorb their hurt and anger and make it our own.
Love and Blessings,
Jean Fisher-Taylor
Saturday, 29 January 2011
Childs play!
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Can you imagine the fun you could have if you treated yourself like a child today? It is a great form of escapism to connect with the inner child that is is inside every one of us. How about spending a day pandering to the small child inside and doing, eating or playing whatever they would like to do.
Eat ice-cream for breakfast
Watch a Disney film
Eat snacks throughout the day
Go outside and play, jump in puddles!
Read a favourite book from childhood
Draw a picture
Eat favourite childhood food
Have a go on a swing in the park
Talk to an old friend and reminisce
Eat doughnuts and try not to lick the sugar around your mouth
The list is endless. Life can be hectic and stressful with all the adult responsibilities. For just one day, step out of your adult world, be silly, be young, be free and do whatever makes you smile all day! The real world will be there tomorrow.
I am off to eat bananas on toast and watch The Little Mermaid!
Have a great Saturday children!
Jean Fisher-Taylor
Friday, 28 January 2011
Body Talk!
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How often do you stop and listen to your body? We exist on mental, spiritual, physical and emotional levels. Our well being and sometimes our life depends on us balancing all of these levels. When we are balanced our energies are flowing freely and we in harmony with great health and vitality. We are "at ease" with ourselves. However, if our energies are out of balance we will feel dis-ease (not at ease) with ourselves which often manifests as feeling ill.
Your own healing rests with you listening to your body and watching for key symptoms of dis-ease within the body. When we feel ill, low, lethargic or stressed we have stopped listening to our body and the inner messages that are being conveyed to us. When you are feeling ill, your body is desperately trying to tell you something. This is a time to STOP, REST and LISTEN to it's messages.
Are you holding onto negative thoughts or beliefs about yourself or others?. What are your symptoms telling you about your lifestyle, your thoughts or your expectations?.
I know people who expect to be ill. They talk illness all of the time. They describe their ailments in detail to people who will listen, they believe that this is the life they are going to live. Expect great health, affirm every morning that your body is strong, healthy and full of energy. Most importantly listen to what it needs to tell you.
Over the years I have ignored the searing pain in my feet that was telling me that wearing high healed, narrow shoes were bad for my feet, legs, posture and probably bank balance! I now wear low heals and comfort is my aim. I no longer pour my body into "support" underwear that flattens, smooths and traps flesh in its snugly fitted vice grip, I wear big cotton comfortable pants. Sexy......well maybe not, comfort and room to breathe....absolutely! I have ignored headaches, neck pains and low stomach pain which was telling me to stop racing through life at a ridiculous pace. I try to make choices to take things at a slower pace and I encourage myself to accept help when I really need it instead of trying to play a superhero martyr.
Take some time this weekend to check in with your body and listen to what it tells you, take action and take back your power over your health and well being!
Love and Blessings for a wonderful restful weekend,
Jean Fisher-Taylor
Thursday, 27 January 2011
The January Diet of Self Acceptance
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The month of January is galloping towards an end. I sat with my list of New Year resolutions yesterday to review what I had chosen and to see if I was still on track. To date, I am still on track. I believe that my mindset this year is helping me to stay on track and to focus on the resolutions that are important to me. I have however realised this month that it didn't matter when I chose to make changes, it didn't have to be dictated by a calendar event, I just needed to take control of what I felt to be important and to take ownership for my own successes and goals.
My list in the past has always been very generic - lose weight, exercise more, spend less and save more. Like a lot of people I would start a diet grudgingly on 2nd January every year, buy into a gym membership with a huge dollop of disgust, avoid shopping and feel slightly better that I had at least saved some money (ignoring the fact that I had wasted money on a membership for a gym that I hated). I would then sabotage my diet as I didn't really believe I would stick to it anyway, give up the gym as it was a torturous past time, feel low and go and buy something unnecessary to cheer myself up and be angry that I was wasting money. By the end of January I was beating myself up with a big stick and berating my failure to stick to a plan for a month.
This year feels different. My main goal was to be kinder to myself, not to talk negatively about myself and to go on a diet of self acceptance. This January has been a lovely month and I have not had the blues at all. I have started to change my diet, this time from a place of love and acceptance and not from a place of self loathing and lack of belief in myself. I do not feel deprived and do not feel the need to sabotage myself as I am being kinder and more gentle with myself. I do not believe I will be happier or look better if I lose weight, I have chosen to be happy now and to feel good about my body now, therefore feeling at peace with my choices.
There are lots of articles written about New Year resolutions and why they are doomed to failure. I really do believe that every second is an opportunity to change and if we would only grasp life with two hands then we will see more golden opportunities open up for us to change and evolve.
Whilst I was researching resolutions I came across the piece below from Lori Deschene from Tiny Buddha - The whole article is worth reading. If you have felt overwhelmed with making New Year resolutions or feeling guilty that your resolve has ran off screaming into the depths of beyond, have a read of what Lori says:
An Alternative to Resolutions
Maybe instead of trying to trim away all the symptoms of our dissatisfaction, we can accept that what we really want is happiness—and that true happiness comes and goes. We can never trap it like a butterfly in a jar.No amount of medication or meditation can change the fact that we will sometimes get caught up in thoughts and emotions.
What we can do is work to improve the ratio of happy-to-unhappy moments. We can learn to identify when we’re spiraling and pull ourselves back with the things we enjoy and want to do in this world.
Instead of scolding ourselves for all the things we’re doing wrong and making long to-do lists to stop doing them, we can focus on doing the things that feel right to us.
This may sound familiar if you’ve read about positive psychology—I’m no posi-psy expert, and to my knowledge no one is since the industry is unregulated.
But it doesn’t take an expert to know it feels a lot better to choose to nurture positive moments than it does to berate myself for things I’ve done that might seem negative—all while plotting to give them all up when the clock strikes midnight.
4 Simple Steps to Increase Your Happiness Ratio
This is something I’ve been working on for years, so it comes from my personal experience. As I have worked to increase my levels of satisfaction, meaning, and happiness, I have given up a number of unhealthy habits, including smoking, overeating, and chronically dwelling and complaining.That all required deliberate intention, but it was impossible until I addressed the underlying feelings. I still have some unhealthy habits, but I know releasing them starts with understanding why I turn to them.
Starting today, and every day, regardless of the calendar:
1. Recognize the places where you feel helpless—the housing situation, the job, the relationship, that sense of meaningless. Then plan to do something small to change that starting right now. Acknowledge you have the power to do at least one small thing to empower yourself.
Don’t commit to major outcomes just yet. Just find the confidence and courage to take one small step knowing you’ll learn as you go where it’s heading. As you add up little successes, the bigger picture will become clearer. This isn’t major transformation over a night. It’s a small seed of change that can grow.
2. Identify the different events that lead to feelings that seem negative—talking to your downer cousin, overextending yourself at work, not getting enough sleep, drinking too much.
Whatever it is that generally leaves you with unhappy feelings, note it down. Work to reduce these, making a conscious effort to do them on one fewer day per week, then two, and then three. The key isn’t to completely cut out these things, but rather to minimize their occurrence.
3. Identify the things that create positive feelings—going to the park, painting, looking at photo albums, or singing. Whatever creates feel-good chemicals in your head, note them down and make a promise to yourself to integrate them into your day. As you feel your way through your joy, add to this. Learn the formula for your bliss.
Know that these moments of joy are a priority, and you deserve to receive them. When you’re fully immersed within a happy moment of your own choosing, you’re a lot less likely to get lost dwelling, obsessing, comparing, judging, and wishing you were better.
4. Stay mindful of the ratio.
If you’ve had an entire week that’s been overwhelming, dark, or negative, instead of getting down on yourself for falling that low, remind yourself only your kindness can pull you out. Tell yourself you deserve to restore a sense of balance—to maintain back a healthy ratio.
Then give yourself what you need. Take a personal day at work and take a day trip. Go to the park to relax and reflect. Remind yourself only you can let go of what’s been and come back to what can be.
It’s not about perfection or a complete release from all the causes of unhappiness. It’s about accepting that being human involves a little unhappiness—but how often it consumes us is up to us.
This might not be a lengthy list of unhealthy behaviors you can give up and how, or a long list of suggestions for adventure and excitement in 2011. But all those things mean nothing if you’re not in the right head space to release the bad and enjoy the good.
Resolve what you will this year, but know that happiness is the ultimate goal. It starts in daily choices, not lofty resolutions–on any day you decide to start.
You can choose change at any second of the day!
Love and Blessings,
Jean Fisher-Taylor x
Wednesday, 26 January 2011
I Love Living Life. I Am Happy. - Nick Vujicic
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I am introducing an amazing man who I feel is one of the most inspirational people I have come across. His name is Nick Vujicic. I have used Nick's inspirational videos on my workshops and have had such lovely feedback from those who have watched Nick and been touched by how wonderful this man truly is. Please see the link to his YouTube video link and Nick's website where you can find out more.
Website -
YouTube links
This biography has been taken direct from Nick's website:
Imagine being born without arms. No arms to wrap around a friend ; no hands to hold the ones you love; no fingers to experience touch ; no way to lift or carry things. How much more difficult would life be if you were living without arms and hands? Or what about legs? Imagine if instead of no arms, you had no legs. No ability to dance, walk, run, or even stand. Now put both of those scenarios together… no arms and no legs. What would you do? How would that affect your everyday life?
Meet Nick Vujicic, pronounced 'Vooy-cheech'. Born in 1982 in Brisbane, Australia, without any medical explanation or warning, Nicholas Vujicic came into the world with neither arms nor legs. Imagine the shock his parents felt when they saw their first-born brand new baby boy for the first time, only to find he was what the world would consider imperfect and abnormal. A limbless son was not what nurse Dushka Vujicic, and her husband Pastor Boris Vujicic had been expecting. How would their son live a normal happy life? What could he ever do or become when living with such a massive disability? Little did they or anyone else know that this beautiful limbless baby would one day be someone who would inspire and motivate people from all walks of life. God uses Nick to touch lives and bring the hope of Jesus Christ to people across the globe.
Throughout his childhood, Nick dealt not only with the typical challenges of school and adolescence such as bullying and self-esteem issues; but also struggled with depression and loneliness. He constantly questioned why he was different than all the other kids surrounding him; why he was the one born without arms and legs. He wondered what the purpose behind his life was, or if he even had a purpose. According to Nick, the victory over his struggles throughout his journey, as well as the strength and passion he has for life can be credited to his faith in God. His family, friends and the many people he has encountered along the way have also encouraged him.
After school, Nick went on with further study and obtained a double Bachelor’s degree, majoring in Accounting and Financial Planning from Griffith University in Logan, Australia. By the age of 19, Nick started to fulfill his dream of being able to encourage other people and bring them the gospel of Jesus through motivational speaking and sharing his testimony about how God changed his life and gave him a future and a hope. “I found the purpose of my existence, and also the purpose of my circumstance. There’s a purpose for why you’re in the fire.” Nick wholeheartedly believes that there is a purpose in each of the struggles we each encounter in our lives, and that our attitude towards those struggles, along with our faith and trust in the Lord can be the keys to overcoming the challenges we face.
Now at 27 years old, this limbless young man has accomplished more than most people accomplish in a lifetime. Nick recently made the massive move from Brisbane, Australia to California, USA, where he is the President of an international non-profit organization; Life Without Limbs, and also has his own motivational speaking company; Attitude Is Altitude. Since his first speaking engagement back when he was 19, Nick has traveled around the world, sharing his story with millions of people, speaking to a range of different groups such as students, teachers, youth, businessmen and women, entrepreneurs, and church congregations of all sizes. He has also told his story and been interviewed on various televised programs worldwide. “If God can use a man without arms and legs to be His hands and feet, then He will certainly use any willing heart!”
Love and Blessings,
Jean Fisher-Taylor x
Tuesday, 25 January 2011
Well being on the run!
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In my previous post I told you that I had attended a Well being Symposium at the weekend. It is a wonderful gift to give yourself, take a day off just for you and concentrate on your own health, well being and emotional state. this fast paced, busy life that we all lead, taking a whole day out can seem like a far off dream. I decided to research some quick fixes for well being on the run and came across a list of tips from Carole Fogarty.
Make you well being your priority each day, when you feel well, balanced and in harmony everyone around you benefits. You deserve to feel wonderful inside and out! Here are the tips from Carole:
1: Today is the best day of my life ever - Write it onto a post-it note and then stick onto your coffee mug:
I hope you adopt some if not all of these techniques!
Love and blessings,
Jean Fisher-Taylor x
2: The essential oil - May Chang - encourages you to play more. Put some into your oil burner at the home/office so working becomes more joyful
3: Stretch reminder: Okay, off your chair, stand on your tippy toes and reach for the sky. Twinkle twinkle little star. Jiggle it all about
4: Ward off energy vampires by placing a small piece of the crystal black tourmaline in your bra or pocket. It transmutes negative energies.
5: Time for hand yoga. Hold your ear lobes between thumb and index finger, gently pull down. Feel release of stuck energy from your head, neck
6: Time for some focused breathing to slow down the mind and bring your awareness back into your body. Just observe your breath for 2 minutes.
7: Tension buster: Open mouth, stick out tongue, further, now say ah! It releases tension in jaw and neck, encourages relaxation in face and cheek muscles
8: Power snack while at your computer: Eat natural raw almonds, they are magnesium rich which encourages your nervous system and adrenals to relax.
9: Live gently today. Talk gently, think gently, eat gently. Be gentle to yourself and other and watch the stress dissolve.
I hope you adopt some if not all of these techniques!
Love and blessings,
Jean Fisher-Taylor x
Monday, 24 January 2011
National Compliment Day!
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Hello and Welcome to National Compliment Day!
As it is Monday Mantra day I thought I would construct a mantra to take in National Compliment Day. Give compliments freely and be mindful to accept any compliments that come your way. Do not dismiss or play down your role when receiving kind words from friends, family and colleagues.
Todays Mantra is - "Everything I appreciate about others is a reflection of my own inner qualities"
When we admire someone, when we see someone as beautiful, when we believe someone to be wise and knowledgeable. We are simply recognising the qualities within us that we already possess. Therefore giving a compliment to someone reinforces our own qualities.
National Compliment Day has become very widely celebrated! It is being celebrated in the most parts of the world as well as the USA where it originated. The day represents a positive tone. A positive atmosphere is so important in a work place. Compliment day brings friendliness to all. It gives fame for work. Giving a compliment for anyone’s work is a great way of rendering positive feelings.
Offering honest praise:
Giving honest praise is the most important thing to create harmony on your mutual relationships. Praise is heartfelt and genuine.
The benefits of Compliment Day activities:
Compliments always help people to be positive in their attitude. This is actually a day of being positive and finding positive things to say to people. The sense of positivity empowers optimism and optimism helps us to thrive and evolve.
Trust can be built upon. Complimenting someone shows respect which in turn put building blocks in place for a foundation of trust.
Constructive qualities among colleagues:
Offering compliments is necessary among colleagues, in the work place it helps to build a constructive atmosphere. Constructive qualities are essential for the development in the work place, which impacts positively on the output.
Feeling great:
The sense of feeling great is wonderful. Feeling great is like a tonic for your mind body and soul.
So all you wonderful, beautiful, intelligent, perfect beacons of light, have a fantastic day!
Love and Blessings,
Jean Fisher-Taylor
Sunday, 23 January 2011
Healing sound of music!
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I have been absent for a couple of days! I was attending a well being symposium run by my lovely friend Susan. Yesterday afternoon she invited along Tim Wheater. Tim is an award winning composer, flautist, vocalist, performer and public speaker who gave a fabulous workshop on sound healing. I floated out of that workshop and last night had the best night sleep ever! The healing sound meditation was wonderful and very powerful. I highly recommend that you listen to some of Tim's work on You Tube and I have a link here for one of my favourites.
I have copied Tim's biography to share with you. He is an incredibly charismatic man and a pleasure to hear speak, sing and play.
Tim travels extensively, performing and recording.
His five star recordings are a consistent part of his creative activity. Furthermore, he enjoys performing his uniquely melodic and distinctive music at concerts, festivals and events throughout the world. Over the years, his original recordings have been used globally by leading therapists healers thinkers and communicators to transmit a message of powerful good vibrations. His back catalogue includes more than a dozen best selling and award winning cd's. Stylistically, it is possible to trace the evolution of his technique through different albums - however one thread unites them all. That is the sensitive use of real organic sounds, both his virtuostic masterful flute playing and in latter years his highly acclaimed voice.
His overall yet simplistic view is that we are all beings on a precious life journey of discovery, both of ourselves, our surroundings and our fellow beings. Through experience he has learned to teach a message of transmutation of fear and negativity into positive message of peace and both inner and outer love.
The earlier journey....
Award winning composer, flautist, vocalist, performer and public speaker, he has for many years presented his acclaimed inspirational music all over the world. With over a million miles travelled (no exaggeration!) he has lectured and performed in theatres, festivals and stadiums in many major cities. Also a practically countless number of renowned Holistic centres and events, such as Esalen, Open Centre, The Omega Institute alongside The Whole life, New Life and Mind Body Spirit Festivals. His music has been heard and appreciated by millions over the radio and tv airwaves. He has co-presented alongside some of the worlds finest authors, healers and authors. A veritable 'Who's Who' including Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, Neale Donald Walsch, James Redfield, Timothy Leary, Eurythmics, Donovan, The Grateful Dead and Sir Simon Rattle.
He has performed for HRH Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip, The King and Queen of Sweden and most recently His Holiness the Dalai Lama.
He studied music in London, Paris and New York with Sir James Galway, Marcel Moyse and Nadia Boulanger. He is an associate of the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, London.
With over 20 albums to his credit, several of his CDs have won awards in the United States including:
"The Yearning" with Michael Hoppe, - CD of the Year 1994
"This Earth" with Julia Cameron, - Soundtrack of the Year 1997
"Afterglow" with Michael Hoppe, - CD of the year 1998
"Incantation" with and produced by David Lord, - CD of the Year 1999
He has also performed at fund raisers for organisations such as Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth and World Wide Fund for Nature.
His overall yet simplistic view is that we are all beings on a precious life journey of discovery, both of ourselves, our surroundings and our fellow beings. Through experience he has learned to teach a message of transmutation of fear and negativity into positive message of peace and both inner and outer love.
The earlier journey....
Award winning composer, flautist, vocalist, performer and public speaker, he has for many years presented his acclaimed inspirational music all over the world. With over a million miles travelled (no exaggeration!) he has lectured and performed in theatres, festivals and stadiums in many major cities. Also a practically countless number of renowned Holistic centres and events, such as Esalen, Open Centre, The Omega Institute alongside The Whole life, New Life and Mind Body Spirit Festivals. His music has been heard and appreciated by millions over the radio and tv airwaves. He has co-presented alongside some of the worlds finest authors, healers and authors. A veritable 'Who's Who' including Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, Neale Donald Walsch, James Redfield, Timothy Leary, Eurythmics, Donovan, The Grateful Dead and Sir Simon Rattle.
He has performed for HRH Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip, The King and Queen of Sweden and most recently His Holiness the Dalai Lama.
He studied music in London, Paris and New York with Sir James Galway, Marcel Moyse and Nadia Boulanger. He is an associate of the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, London.
With over 20 albums to his credit, several of his CDs have won awards in the United States including:
"The Yearning" with Michael Hoppe, - CD of the Year 1994
"This Earth" with Julia Cameron, - Soundtrack of the Year 1997
"Afterglow" with Michael Hoppe, - CD of the year 1998
"Incantation" with and produced by David Lord, - CD of the Year 1999
He has also performed at fund raisers for organisations such as Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth and World Wide Fund for Nature.
Love and Blessings,
Jean Fisher-Taylor x
Friday, 21 January 2011
Have you been howling at the moon?
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How have you felt over the past few days? Have you been howling, and I don't mean sending up wolf cries but literally howling with tears? If you have had any other following:-
Several nights of disturbed sleep
Feeling over emotional
Experienced a very heavy feeling as though you are walking through treacle
Feeling as though you have no concentration
General aches and pains that can't be explained
Have a sense that something is wrong in the world
A sick and nervous stomach.
Well if you have experienced any of the above then you are not alone. Apparently this week's full moon coupled with planetary shifts has brought about a shift in our consciousness which has taken it's toll on our emotional well being this week. Last night I ran a meditation group where more than half of the ladies said that they had had an awful day and felt over emotional. Most felt that their sleep had been disturbed by strange dreams and inability to get comfortable. I experienced strange and at times frightening dreams and have had a nervous stomach for a few days where I have felt that something was going to happen.
If you have felt a little low the last few days, take some consolation that it was a planetary shift happening around us and we should all be feeling a surge of fresh and renewed energy again today and over the weekend.
You may be glad to know that I don't have any mummified bodies in my loft with crying eyes! Just one of my bizarre dreams!
Love and Blessings for a lovely weekend!
Jean Fisher-Taylor
Thursday, 20 January 2011
What would you attempt to do if you knew you would not fail?
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Today I am posting a question and inviting you to make a list of answers for yourself. It can be easier to do nothing than to do something with the fear of failure.
The year after my late husband passed away, I was seeking a way to pull my life back together again. I read an article in a magazine about a woman who had opened a shop in Lincolnshire selling crafts and beautiful household items and gifts. By the time I had finished reading the article, I knew that I wanted to do the same. Did I have retail experience?!, did I have unlimited funds to support this venture?! Yet something inside, my inner wisdom was telling me to go ahead. I set about securing a shop unit, ordering stock, advertising and preparing to start on a new adventure with my lovely little shop called Hearts and Angels. Was I frightened?, not one bit. Even though I had left the security of the Civil Service, I felt that it was the right thing for me to do.
The first year was amazing and and the adventure proved to be everything I hoped it would be. In that year, I had become more interested in learning about Angels and I had met some wonderful people who were to take me on another adventure into Reiki and Holistic Therapy. The second year of the shop came at the start of a recession and sales slowed down. By this time I had qualified as an Angel Therapist, Reiki Practitioner and had several other therapies that I was trained to do.
I took a brave decision and closed the little shop as it had been such a lovely couple of years, I did not want to resent it as finances were slowing. I never felt that my business failed. I saw it as a stepping stone to meet the right people at the right time to bring me closer to my Life Purpose and Life mission. I created a therapy room at home, I now run workshops, give talks, attend charitable events and reach out to as many people who need me and what I have to offer.
I believed that I would not fail. I believed that I was capable of changing my life. Perhaps my courage came from a desire to create a better life after such a traumatic bereavement had blown away my very foundation, or perhaps it was the time in my life that I could do something without fear. It would have been so easy to stay in the familiar surroundings of a secure job with a good pension. It would have been easier to turn up every day, do a job that I knew well and take the money at the end of the month. I knew I wanted life to change and I knew that the only person who could make that happen was indeed me!
So please take some time today to reflect on you and what you would like to change and really give some thought to "What would you attempt to do if you knew you would not fail?"
Love and Blessings,
Jean Fisher-Taylor
Wednesday, 19 January 2011
Heal Your Life - Louise L Hay
As you know on a Wednesday I like to post a blog about inspirational people who have played a huge part in making life better for millions of people. Well, this lady is at the top of the tree when it comes to inspiring people to take control of their own life and to help themselves heal from past issues. I met Louise in London in 2005, she is a tribute to her teachings. She is this radiant, beautiful, composed woman in her mid eighties who is vibrant with health and well being. She opened her own conference to thunderous applause. I personally have gained a lot inner peace and confidence from reading her books. I know many of you will be familiar with Louise's work but as one of the greats, I thought she was truly worthy of this tribute.
Bio taken from LouiseLHay website -
RECENTLY DUBBED "the closest thing to a living saint" by the Australian media, Louise L. Hay is also known as one of the founders of the self-help movement. Her first book, Heal Your Body, was published in 1976, long before it was fashionable to discuss the connection between the mind and body. Revised and expanded in 1988, this best-selling book introduced Louise's concepts to people in 33 different countries and has been translated into 25 languages throughout the world.
Through Louise’s healing techniques and positive philosophy, millions have learned how to create more of what they want in their lives, including more wellness in their bodies, minds, and spirits. Her own personal philosophy was forged from her tormented upbringing. Her childhood was unstable and impoverished, and her teen years were marked by abuse. Louise ran away from home and ended up in New York City, where she became a model and married a prosperous businessman. Although it appeared that her life had turned around, it was not until the marriage ended 14 years later that her healing really began.
Louise started what would become her life's work in New York City in 1970. She attended meetings at the Church of Religious Science and began training in the ministerial program. She became a popular speaker at the church, and soon found herself counseling clients. This work quickly blossomed into a full-time career. After several years, Louise compiled a reference guide detailing the mental causes of physical ailments, and developed positive thought patterns for reversing illness and creating health. This compilation was the basis for Heal Your Body, also known affectionately as "the little blue book." She began traveling throughout the United States, lecturing and facilitating workshops on loving ourselves and healing our lives.
Louise was able to put her philosophies into practice when she was diagnosed with cancer. She considered the alternatives to surgery and drugs, and instead developed an intensive program of affirmations, visualization, nutritional cleansing, and psychotherapy. Within six months, she was completely healed of cancer.
In 1980, Louise moved back to her native Southern California, and it was here that she began putting her workshop methods on paper. In 1984, her new book, You Can Heal Your Life, was published. In it, Louise explains how our beliefs and ideas about ourselves are often the cause of our emotional problems and physical maladies and how, by using certain tools, we can change our thinking and our lives for the better.
You Can Heal Your Life reached the New York Times bestseller list and remained on it for 13 consecutive weeks. More than 35 million copies of You Can Heal Your Life have been sold throughout the world.
In 1985, Louise began her famous support group, "The Hayride," with six men diagnosed with AIDS. By 1988, the group had grown to a weekly gathering of 800 people and had moved to an auditorium in West Hollywood. Once again, Louise had started a movement of love and support long before people began to wear red ribbons in their lapels. It was during this time that she wrote The AIDS Book: Creating a Positive Approach, based on her experiences with this powerful group.
Louise now heads Hay House, a successful publishing company. What began as a small venture in the living room of her home has turned into a prosperous corporation that has sold millions of books and tapes worldwide. Hay House authors include many notables in the self-help movement, including Wayne Dyer, Joan Borysenko, and Doreen Virtue, among others. In addition, The Hay Foundation and the Louise L. Hay Charitable Fund are two non-profit organizations established by Louise that support many diverse organizations, including those dealing with AIDS, battered women, and other challenged individuals in our society.
Louise’s healing message has been the subject of many newspapers and magazine articles. She has appeared on television around the world, and her monthly column, “Dear Louise,” appears in more than 50 publications in the United States, Canada, Australia, Spain, and Argentina. At 81, Louise is proud to release her first-ever film on her life and work You Can Heal Your Life: The Movie. To watch the trailer visit
When she’s not traveling, Louise enjoys painting, gardening, and dancing at her home in San Diego, California.
Love and Blessings,
Jean Fisher-Taylor x
Tuesday, 18 January 2011
Hats off to you!
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I wanted to post yesterday's article on the very day that was declared "The gloomiest day of the year", so today I am going back a step and doing the mantra that I usually post on a Monday.
Today's Mantra is - "I am my own unique self"
Sometimes, without being aware of it, we try to be all things to all people. We wear so many hats, it is no wonder that we can't see ourselves for who we really are. We wear the daughter hat, the mother hat, the carer hat, the colleague hat, the wife hat, the friend hat, the homemaker hat, the cook, bottle washer and general dogsbody hat. Many of the people in our lives expect us to behave in a certain way and before we know it, our true personality and identity becomes blurred along the way until we become a version of ourselves.
You are special and unique, you have your own set of abilities and talents. No-one can be you and you can not be someone that you are not! Allow the true you to show up in this world. Acknowledge and celebrate your wonderful, unique magnificence. You are worthy of your own love and self acceptance. Allow the world and all who know you to see you as you wish to be seen.
Love and Blessings,
Jean Fisher-Taylor x
Monday, 17 January 2011
Bring me sunshine in your smile, bring me laughter all a while....!
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Blue Monday: The unhappiest day of the year???
When I woke up this morning and put the news on, the headline is that officially today Monday 17th January 2011 is the gloomiest day of the year! Apparently scientists have been able to pinpoint the exact day based on a formula that they devised. It takes into account the weather, the level of debt after Christmas spending amongst other factors.
If you are feeling remotely gloomy today, then at least you are not alone! can do something about it. First, they say that smiling, even if it is fake smiling releases happy chemicals throughout the body. Secondly, try fake laughing or put on a YOU TUBE channel that shows some laughter yoga. The fact that you are tricking your body into fake laughter will seem so absurd that very soon you will be genuinely laughing at the silliness of it all. Make up all kinds of ridiculous laughter sounds, like the mad professor taking over the world, the quiet to loud laughter that starts off as a whisper ha-ha-ha and builds up to a very loud ho-ho-ho! Am I being serious, absolutely. I teach Laughter Yoga and have seen first hand the difference laughter can make to people feeling blue.
Health Benefits of Laughter Yoga
Laughter Yoga has wonderful therapeutic and preventative health benefits. Scientists and medical doctors alike are amazed at what happens when we laugh.
When we laugh
• We Take in more oxygen helping to keep us healthy by nourishing the cells.
• it Increase circulation – giving us rosy cheeks and making us look younger!
• it Gives the tummy an abdominal workout and helps digestion.
• it Boosts the immune system which fights disease by up to 40% .
• it Reduces high blood pressure. After a laughter yoga session the blood pressure comes down to a lower resting rate.
• The Stress hormones, adrenaline and cortisol are reduced so we feel more relaxed
• Happy hormones, endorphins are released removing the negative effects of stress
• Endorphins (meaning self made morphine) can act as a pain killer and laughter can be used as a pain management tool
• Gives a sense of lightness and well being
• Help with depression and anxiety by boosting the production of serotonin (a natural antidepressant)
When we laugh
• We Take in more oxygen helping to keep us healthy by nourishing the cells.
• it Increase circulation – giving us rosy cheeks and making us look younger!
• it Gives the tummy an abdominal workout and helps digestion.
• it Boosts the immune system which fights disease by up to 40% .
• it Reduces high blood pressure. After a laughter yoga session the blood pressure comes down to a lower resting rate.
• The Stress hormones, adrenaline and cortisol are reduced so we feel more relaxed
• Happy hormones, endorphins are released removing the negative effects of stress
• Endorphins (meaning self made morphine) can act as a pain killer and laughter can be used as a pain management tool
• Gives a sense of lightness and well being
• Help with depression and anxiety by boosting the production of serotonin (a natural antidepressant)
Do you need any more reasons??!! Laughter is good for you physically, mentally and spiritually, it lifts you up and makes you feel connected to people.
Some Health Benefits of Laughter
L aughter releases endorphins, giving us the feel good factor
A cts as aerobic exercise and is like "internal jogging"
U nleashes inhibitions, breaks down barriers
G reat team building tool encourages better communication
H elps boost our immune system which helps us resist disease
T ones muscles, improves respiration and circulation
E ncourages positive thinking and creativity
R elaxes the whole body by reducing stress and tension
So as you can see, laughter is the best medicine on days when you are feeling slightly blue! You can also enjoy the benefits of a small bar of dark chocolate, treating yourself to a pampering treatment or simply taking some time out to read a book or watch a film. My favourite thing to do on a gloomy day is to count my blessings. I write a list of all the people I am glad to have in my life, I make a list of all the things I am grateful for, I list all the things I appreciate about myself and others. Before I know it, I have created a long list of reasons why life isn't so gloomy after all.
Enjoy this fine Monday and may you have many reasons to smile.
Love and Blessings,
Jean Fisher-Taylor x
P.S. I am leaving you with the lyrics to bring me sunshine, I hope they make you smile!
Bring me sunshine in your smile bring me laughter all a while
In this world where we live there should be more happiness
So much joy you can give to each brand new bright tomorrow
Make me happy through the years never bring me any tears
Let your arms be as warm as the sun from up above
Bring me fun bring me sunshine and bring me love
Bring me sunshine in your eyes bring me rainbows from the clear blue skies
Life's too short to be spent having anything but fun
We can be so content if we gather little sunbeams
Be light hearted darlin' all day long keep me singing a happy song
Let your arms be as warm as the sun from up above
Bring me fun bring me sunshine and bring me love
Bring me sunshine in your smile...
Bring me fun bring me sunshine and bring me love
In this world where we live there should be more happiness
So much joy you can give to each brand new bright tomorrow
Make me happy through the years never bring me any tears
Let your arms be as warm as the sun from up above
Bring me fun bring me sunshine and bring me love
Bring me sunshine in your eyes bring me rainbows from the clear blue skies
Life's too short to be spent having anything but fun
We can be so content if we gather little sunbeams
Be light hearted darlin' all day long keep me singing a happy song
Let your arms be as warm as the sun from up above
Bring me fun bring me sunshine and bring me love
Bring me sunshine in your smile...
Bring me fun bring me sunshine and bring me love
Sunday, 16 January 2011
PETS and not the fluffy or furry kind!!!
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Earlier this week I posted a blog about Rhonda Byrne. In her new book The Power, Rhonda talks about PETS also know as our Personal Emotional Trainers. These are the people who we spend a lot of time with, see regularly, probably love to bits. They are also the people who can press our buttons to make us angry, hurt, sad or feel unimportant. These PETS are in our lives for a reason. They are here to teach us lessons about ourselves. It is not their actions that are the lessons but indeed our reaction and our ability to handle the action that is the lesson. When researching this piece, I found an interesting ezine article which I am sharing below.
If you're like most of us, you care a great deal about the people in your life; you want them to be happy and you'd like to have their love and approval. Sadly, more often than not, when we try to get others to love and accept us by trying to make them happy, we become resentful of what we perceive as their demanding behaviour.
We hear frequently people describe their significant other as "controlling," their father as "self-centred," or their boss as "demanding." They tell us that they spend so much time trying to make other people happy that there's no time left for themselves. The good news is that this isn't the only option. By taking the advice below, you can transform these feelings of resentment into a much more enjoyable experience.
You might ask, "How can I effectively interact with difficult people or handle people making demands on me?"
Don't Categorize Them!
When you put your attention on what people "are" (controlling, self-centered, demanding) rather than focusing on what you want in the situation, you are handing them all your power on a silver platter.
By labeling the people in your life, you give them total responsibility for making things better. If you think that your unhappiness is because they "are" controlling or demanding, then your situation cannot improve unless they change. This is what we call the "blame game" and it keeps you from letting go of your hurt feelings and can ultimately result in severe relationship conflict.
The Path That Leads to True Happiness
To regain control of your own happiness, let go of the idea that other people are making you feel bad. Knowing that it's your own thinking that is causing you to feel bad is the very first step in order for you to move ahead.
Once you understand this, you are able to turn your attention towards what you "do want" in any situation. You begin by asking yourself, "What do I need in this situation to create a result that will be agreeable to everyone involved?" You can't get what you want until you know what it is. Start using these situations as a chance to meet every one's needs.
What You Put Your Attention on Expands
Focusing on the actions of others prevents you from being able to notice creative solutions for your problems. In any challenging situation or when dealing with relationship trouble, start by turning your attention inward and find what YOU do want in the situation.
Steps That Will Create Magic in All Your Relationships:
1. Stop playing the "blame game." Let go of any old feelings of judgment or anger.
2. Identify what's most important to you when you are interacting with other people. Determine the qualities that are most important to you in your relationships--the ones that bring joy and satisfaction into your life.
3. Start asking for what you want. Communication is key to successful relationships. When you harbour resentment and anger the only person you are hurting is yourself. If you can speak openly and honestly, you take back your power and give others the opportunity to be honest and open with you too.
4. By changing where you focus your attention, from what people "are" to what you "want," you can take back control of your own happiness. When you know that your happiness does not depend on others, you free yourself from the bonds of resentment and begin to feel better right away. Start looking for ways to have what you want, to experience what brings you more joy and, at the end of the day, to create the kind of relationships you truly desire.
Love and Blessings,
Jean Fisher-Taylor
Saturday, 15 January 2011
She wears big knickers and a hoola hoola skirt.....!
Hello Everyone,
Today I am sharing a secret with you. I have made a decision based on this year's resolution to go on a diet of self love and acceptance.........From now on I shall NOT be wearing support underwear!! There is a very good reason for this. For many years, whilst disliking my body and treating myself unkindly, I would squeeze my flesh into support pants and bra's that would hold up London Bridge! I thought that by trying to mummify my body under my clothing, I would somehow give a streamlined appearance to my clothing and trick myself into thinking I looked better with smoother hips and a slightly flatter tummy. However if someone passed a comment that I looked nice or had I lost weight, instead of feeling rather pleased with myself and thanking the person for their kind compliment, I would tell them that I had the said scaffolding underwear on and wish I hadn't when I realised I had shared too much information!!!
In December I went to a very lovely wedding with a dress that was purchased last minute on the day before. I packed my strongest "pull me up, pull me in and flatten it all down" underwear along with a scary contraption, the minimiser bra. I then topped the whole sorry lot off with support tights. On the outside, I did look a size smaller, my hips were smoother, my bust was smaller and perkier and my tummy was indeed flatter. However....... underneath, I was bound up like an Egyptian mummy and could barely move. When I stood, it was uncomfortable but bearable...just. When I sat down, it was agony. My poor flesh was held like a vice with nowhere to go. I endured a fabulous meal that I couldn't really enjoy or eat too much as there was absolutely not a spare inch of room for it. After nine hours, I finally got into the hotel bedroom and pealed myself out of this torture device and soothed by red and pinched skin. I made a mental note that night to never put my body through that agony again.
I have removed my bottom lifters, waist cinchers, thigh smoother's, up to your chin and down to your ankles skin toned horrors from my underwear drawer and replaced them with soft, cotton pants that would make any granny in the world smile in delight. Do I care.....not a jot! Comfort and kindness is my priority this year!
I know this is a radical idea to put out there and I would horrify the likes of Gok Wan and Trinny and Susannah but the thought of big knickers with elastic that gives a little makes me very happy indeed!
Lots of Love and blessings for a great weekend
Jean Fisher-Taylor x
Friday, 14 January 2011
Find your ommmmmmmmm!
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I am in the process of setting up a meditation group to bring like minded individuals together to practise the art of quietening the mind through meditating. I found some useful information about the benefits and thought I would share them with you today.
The benefits of meditation are many, and can bring about feelings of confidence and self control, increased concentration, better relationships and reduced stress levels to name just a few.
Once you have found your own inner stillness, through regular meditation, you will be able to access it again and again and with ever greater ease. This brings with it many far-reaching and profound benefits. You will start to notice some changes within yourself fairly quickly; others will take more time. If you are so inclined, it is worth keeping a diary, so that, after some experience of meditating you can look back on how you have changed.
Regular practitioners say they develop a feeling of greater emotional equilibrium. In psychoanalytic terms, they involve their egos less in everyday situations. According to Buddhists, one of the results of meditation should be a feeling of compassion – much easier when your ego is dissolved. Self control, in turn, increases self confidence and a person’s sense of certainty. Simply put, this means meditation could make you ‘nicer’ to your fellow beings.
Meditation does not mean ‘zoning out’. In fact, regular practice will make your mind much sharper and quicker. The ability to concentrate is hugely enhanced, so that tasks take less time and feel easier to accomplish. When you decide to do something, you will be able to just do it, instead of wasting time agonizing about it.
Benefits of Meditation
- Confidence and self control
- Improved concentration
- Inner certainty
- Ability to focus and work efficiently
- Ability to let go of negative emotions such as anger and paranoia
- Improved posture
- Greater enjoyment of the physical
- Better personal relationships
- Improved health
I hope you find your OMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!
Love and blessings,
Jean Fisher-Taylor
Thursday, 13 January 2011
Money Magic!
The “I Can’t Afford It” Antidote
This fabulous tip is taken from Morgana Rae's website which is linked above. It is full of wonderful tips about improving your relationship with money and abundance. The law of attraction always teaches us that we attract exactly what we are giving thoughts to. Therefore if we are always thinking about the lack of finances in our life, we attract more opportunities to be short of cash. It also tells us that our language is very important. The piece below is a great example of how small changes in what we say could bring us a little bit of money magic into our lives!
"Next time you catch yourself about to say, “I can’t afford it,” pause.
It’s bad magic. It feeds your money monster.
“I can’t afford it” blames money, makes money the bad guy, and takes away your power. It makes you small. It’s like fresh meat for your monster.
My friend Chellie Campbell, author of “The Wealthy Spirit,” (great book) taught me an awesome re frame years ago, that I love to share with clients, friends, non-clients, and that I try to practice myself.
Instead of “I can’t afford it,” say, “It’s not a financial priority for me at this time.”
Feel the difference?
Even if you’re silently saying to yourself, “My financial priority this month is paying my rent!” owning it is honest and powerful. It makes you responsible. Puts you in charge. And you’re Money Honey loves it when you’re in charge!
Here’s a little mea culpa confession…
I caught myself saying “I can’t afford it” just last month. It’s so easy! Especially for us polite, people-pleaser types.
A coach I admire and respect invited me to take her program. I smiled, talked about how much I’d already spent on coaching this year, and told her I couldn’t afford it.
It was a lie! It would’ve been a pain to come up with the cash, and I did spend an awful lot on coaching this year, but the real truth is I wasn’t motivated enough.
I think I said “I can’t afford it” because I wanted her to like me. (Can anyone relate?) It was such an easy out. And it was completely out of integrity with everything I teach.
I had to come clean and tell her the truth. And you know what? I discovered that area of my life–the subject she teaches–really ISN’T a priority for me at this time! So I learned a little something about myself as well…
P.S. Here’s a little magic for when you find that you really, really WANT something and you don’t see where the money’s going to come from…
Replace “I can’t” with “How can I?”
Replace “I am struggling” with “I am resourceful.”
I saw one of my students manifest $8,000 OVERNIGHT when she changed her language! Her language changed what she created. She awed and amazed us both."
Check out Morgana's website for for information.
Love and Blessings
Jean Fisher-Taylor x
Wednesday, 12 January 2011
Wednesday is looking at inspirational people who are enriching the life of millions with their life story, books, films etc. This week I have chosen Rhonda Byrne writer of The Secret and The Power. Both of these books have had a tremendous effect on my life and help me to live in a more positive state of mind. I keep both books at the side of my bed and pick a page at random each night before going to sleep. If you have not read one or both of these books, I highly recommend them.
Author, Creator, and Executive Producer of The Secret, and Author of The Power
Rhonda Byrne's intention is: joy to billions.
Rhonda began her journey with The Secret film, viewed by millions across the planet. She followed with The Secret book, a worldwide best seller available in 46 languages.
In The Secret Rhonda revealed the law of attraction. In her new book, The Power, Rhonda continues her groundbreaking work by revealing the single greatest force in our universe.
Rhonda uncovers The Secret
In early September 2004, Rhonda discovered an unfailing principle that underlies every aspect of our lives. She was astonished that this life-transforming information was not widely known and practiced. In that moment, Rhonda made it her life's focus to share this knowledge with all people around the world, so that billions could powerfully transform and improve their lives.
Rhonda immediately began studying the work of the world's finest minds - great thinkers, artists, scientists, inventors, discoverers, and philosophers - drawing from fields as divergent as quantum physics, metaphysics, psychology, and religion. She found again and again that the knowledge of this one principle had run like a golden thread through the lives and the teachings of all the prophets, seers, sages, and saviors in the world's history, and through the lives of all truly great men and women.
Already a successful television and film producer, Rhonda began practicing what she learned, and used The Secret to make the film The Secret.
Millions have viewed the film since its release in March 2006, and the book The Secret has been a New York Times bestseller since its release in November 2006, with more than 19 million copies in print.
Rhonda writes The Power
In The Power, Rhonda shares the essence of everything she has learned since The Secret was released. As part of her continuing journey of discovery, and her daily practice of the law of attraction, Rhonda gained extraordinary new levels of insights. The Power is the book she was compelled to write.
Readers of The Power will come to understand that the life of their dreams has always been closer than they realized. Perfect health, incredible relationships, a career you love, a life filled with happiness and the money you need to be, do, and have everything you want, all come from The Power. To create anything, to change anything, all it takes is just one thing.
Rhonda's background
Rhonda was born in Australia and began her career as a radio producer before moving into television production. Many of her shows won industry awards and were screened in major countries outside Australia. Rhonda's experience, background, and skill in film and television production were instrumental in the creation of The Secret film.
In May of 2007, Rhonda Byrne was recognized as one of the world's most influential people in TIME magazine's "The TIME 100: The People Who Shape Our World", and shortly afterwards appeared in Forbes' "The Celebrity 100" list. Rhonda currently lives outside of Los Angeles.
Love and Blessings,
Jean Fisher-Taylor x
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