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In the past two weeks I have been having the most bizarre dreams! Some have been fear based, others anger based and others so realistic that they have lived with me all day. In the past I would be logging on to dream websites, looking at dream dictionaries or asking family and friends for their interpretation of my dreams. One day an answer popped in to my head so profound and simple that I couldn't believe I hadn't known this sooner.......
My dreams are a message to ME from ME!
No amount of reading up would give me the answers. No one else's thoughtful interpretation would unravel the messages of those dreams as they are completely mine. I have set up a dream journal which I keep beside the bed and every morning (or sometimes during the night if a dream wakes me) I record as much information as I can.
Meditating on the dream can also give enlightened insights to how you are feeling, what your emotions are telling you and explanations you seek will become clearer. During our dreams, our Guardian Angels, spirit guides and loved one's who have passed can sometimes make contact with us. Dreams allow communication and contact that may be ignored through the waking hours as imagination.
Dreams prompt us to look within and examine how we feel. If somethings feels out of balance or uncomfortable, then you are being prompted to change it or heal it. Keeping a dream journal is very helpful. You can see patterns and themes emerging that need attention. You can see inspired ideas and creative sparks. You can see where you are being encouraged to make necessary life changes for the better.
If you do not keep a journal at the moment, I highly recommend it. See what YOU are telling YOURSELF in your dreams.
Love and Blessings,
Jean Fisher-Taylor x
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