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I haven't blogged about an inspirational person for a while so decided today was the day to do so! I have chosen Susan Boyle, as to me, she is one of my all time inspirational greats. The first night I watched her on TV, and heard her sing, tears poured down my cheeks.
Susan is an inspiration to all women and in fact to all people. We live in an appearance obsessed society. Susan did not tick the usual celebrity boxes. She simply had a beautiful talent and above all she had a passion to change her life. She rose above the bullying and ridicule that could have left most people fearful of leaving their home and pushed herself to appear on television. The media hype was frenzied and this lovely lady had to endure yet more ridicule because of her looks.
Susan wanted to make a difference, she wanted her life to change so she took control of the steering wheel of her life and drove her ambition in the direction of achievement and success. She didn't wait until her hair was styled or coloured, she didn't wait until she was the perfect weight, she didn't wait until she had the perfect outfit or makeover. She didn't wait until everyone gave their approval of her decision. She simply grasped life by the hands and made a difference to both her own and many other people's lives.
More tears poured down my face when I saw her appear in America. There was a sea of ordinary, good people who felt uplifted by her story. She gives hope to many people. She made it possible for everyone to dream a dream and make it a reality.
To me, Susan Boyle is a modern day heroine and I applaud her.
Love and Blessings,
Jean Fisher-Taylor
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