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On Sunday I learned something about myself that I have never noticed before, I am not proud of this shadow trait that I possess......I am a bad winner!!!
Mr T and I took up badminton two years ago in an attempt to get fitter and to take our potato soft bottoms out of the chair at least once a week. Every week I have diligently got dressed into tracksuit bottoms and trainers, braved rain, wind, snow, ice and extreme heats to go and play Mr T at badminton. You would think that after playing for two years I would have significantly improved and be an able match for Mr T. Alas, sadly this is not the case. Mr T is fairly good, he reads my moves well and anticipates where to hit the shuttlecock to cause me the most difficulty. My mission and aim is to just hit the shuttlecock back over the net!!! My mantra is God loves a trier and I really do try every week!
Mr T wins almost every week apart from two fluke evenings when I managed to win by a hare's whisker. I live in hope that he will take pity on my losing ways and throw a few games to make me feel good but he is a competitive man and shows no mercy. I know most people want to earn their victories but I would happily take any winning pickings I could get. Especially as Mr T usually has me running around that court like an extra from a Benny Hill comedy sketch!!
Today, things were different, we went along to the sports centre and almost from the first game I felt a sense that I could gain the upper hand. I swooshed and swatted that shuttlecock, I whacked it and batted it and after 45 minutes, Mr T could take no more and I was the WINNER!! I was ecstatic, I came out of that sports centre on air, the sun was brighter, the air was clearer and I was gloating and crowing whilst poor Mr T hobbled behind me clutching his back. Did I not say that he wasn't on form today as he has a sore back...........? Well as I said earlier I take pickings where I can get them!
I know I should be ashamed of my behaviour, I know that gloating at someone else's misfortune is not kind, but.............the sweet smell of success in my nostrils is making want to dance and sing Na Na Na Na Na, its not big and its not clever but is oh so very sweet!
Love and Blessings,
Jean Fisher-Taylor - future champion Badminton player of the world maybe even the universe!
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