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I was watching a television programme yesterday and could feel my hackles rising! It is called How not to decorate with Justin and Colin. Now as people and designers I love these two very much. However, yesterday they were picking through some poor couple's home, laughing at the lack of taste they had, scoffing over pine cladding and colour choices and organising a skip to dump twenty years of hard earned and probably much loved furniture and personal bits. (The couple had not requested that they go on the show themselves, a kindly neighbour nominated them as she felt they lived in a time warp!).
It got me thinking. What does our home say about us? What does our home feel like to other people?
We build up a home around us over many years. We add our personal touches with photographs, momentos of holidays and beloved gifts given by friends and family. We choose colours that are in fashion at the time or that make us feel safe and comfortable. Most of us do not have a bottomless purse to constantly change with the times. My own home reflects me to a tee, someone once said that the house is full of hearts and angels (Ahhh the name of my little shop was born and when that closed, my holistic business took on this name too).
A home is where love is. It is where your heart has created comfort. You feel that love as soon as you enter the house, its a vibration, a joyful feeling and a bubble of excitement. I love other people's homes, I love how bits of them are reflected in every room. We are all individuals, we are all drawn to different colours, woods, objects and ideas of comfort. That is what creates OUR homes.
I wish the designers who make tv programmes would remember this when they entering someone's sanctuary and place of safety and comfort, where their heart has created love. It may not be this season's colours Darrrrling, it may not be in vogue at the moment but it is HOME! There isn't a shop in the world where you can buy that kind of love!!! The end result may look stunning, if somewhat impractical but I feel so sad when I hear them say "It doesn't feel like our home". Why would it? The very essence of them has been removed to make way for a magazine cover look that isn't really meant to be lived in at all.
Wishing you all a fabulous weekend in your home's filled with love!
Jean Fisher-Taylor
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