Thursday, 31 March 2011

Following a dream...!

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Hello!  I am sorry that I have been absent for a few days but I have been off following a dream! 

I applied to become a contestant on Deal or No Deal 14 months ago.  I am a huge fan of the programme and just love Noel Edmonds!  I only recently received a phone call offering me an audition in London this week.  I attended the audition and got through the first stage and now I am waiting to find out my fate which will be later in the year.  It was a wonderful experience and I am grateful for being given the opportunity as there were over 100,000 applications.

On the return journey from London yesterday I began thinking about my blog and how Deal or No Deal is so significant in every day life.  In other words, do we just settle because it is an easier option or do we push on and create opportunities for something better to be offered in life.  Do you "Deal" for what life offers or do you "No Deal" and wait to see if something bigger and better is offered to you?  Do you feel you deserve enough or lots more?

For the first time in a long time, I was out of my comfort zone.  I felt that exciting feeling of butterflies in my stomach.  I was given an opportunity to have fun, meet many fascinating people and to experience something totally new and unknown to me.  All this from completing an application form to become a contestant on a favourite game show.

I challenge you to try something completely new today.  Do something that pushes the barriers of your comfort zone.  Stretch yourself to do something that will make you excited.  You never know where it may take you and who you may meet.

Love and Blessings,

Jean Fisher-Taylor x

Thursday, 24 March 2011

I believe in Angels.......!

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I would not say that I was a huge Abba fan but I have always loved their song "I believe in Angels" since I was young.  Little did I know that that belief would open up a whole world of wonderful things working with Angels, healing with Angels and teaching about Angels.  I realised that my life path and purpose was probably always destined to work with Angelic Realms.  As a little girl, I collected scraps but only Angel ones!  When I had my own house, I bought Angels at Christmas but couldn't bear to put them away with all the other ornaments in January.

Angels made their presence very clear to me after the death of my husband Martin in 2005.  Even in the darkest days and nights, they left me small clues to their support and love.  When I realised that my life path was to work with them full time, I can honestly say that life has become joyful.  I love the work that I do, I am passionate about teaching in workshops, I love to see someone healing when they have invited Angels in to their life and I love that each day, my work colleagues are ethereal beings of love, light and happiness.

If you haven't done so already, please invite your Guardian Angels in to your life, ask them to provide signs that they are with you and hand over anything that needs to be healed in your life.  I can promise they will never let you down and will always create miracles and magic in your life if you put your trust in them.  Let them be your life coach, let them guide you to the perfect job, home, partner and health.  Give them your hopes and dreams and trust that they will deliver miracles.

All together now, in those words of Abba..............

I have a dream, a song to sing
To help me cope with anything
If you see the wonder of a fairy tale
You can take the future even if you fail
I believe in angels
Something good in everything I see
I believe in angels
When I know the time is right for me
I'll cross the stream - I have a dream

I have a dream, a fantasy
To help me through reality
And my destination makes it worth the while
Pushing through the darkness still another mile
I believe in angels
Something good in everything I see
I believe in angels
When I know the time is right for me
I'll cross the stream - I have a dream
I'll cross the stream - I have a dream

I have a dream, a song to sing
To help me cope with anything
If you see the wonder of a fairy tale
You can take the future even if you fail
I believe in angels
Something good in everything I see
I believe in angels
When I know the time is right for me
I'll cross the stream - I have a dream
I'll cross the stream - I have a dream

For more information on Angel Therapy see

Love and Angelic Blessings,

Jean Fisher-Taylor x

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

I'll cry if I want to...!!

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I have been on an emotional roller coaster the last few days!  This is partly due to the full moon which as we all know was very close to earth and lots of people have been feeling a surge of negative emotions, tiredness, sleeplessness and irritability.  I had all of those emotions and have felt the need to weep buckets of tears.  I know that these tears are healing and need to be released in order to make me feel better which I am happy to report they have!

I know from personal experience that there are times when I haven't gone with the flow of my tears.  I have held them back, swallowed the emotion and even nipped myself to distract myself from crying with pain.  I thought it wasn't the right time, I thought I would make others uncomfortable, I was afraid if I started I may not stop. I have come to realise that crying is essential for emotional well being and harmony. 

Crying is often recommended by therapists and in self-help articles found in newspapers and magazines.  However, people still apologize for doing it.  But tears have a biological benefit because tension is released when we cry.  Crying also lubricates the eyes. and provides a physical catharsis that allows the body to discharge certain toxins.

We need to know that crying provides an emotional benefit. You can feel relieved and more relaxed after crying. Stress can also play havoc with your health. Stress is released when we cry and therefore crying has a positive effect on our mental and emotional health because it is a natural response in coping with pain and grief. Certain chemicals and hormones that are accumulated during stress create toxins, and it is these toxins that are released when we cry. Crying also releases a chemical called endorphins that make us happy. That’s why we feel better after a good cry.

So the next time you get hurt, feel sad or little bit down don’t apologize for the tears. Go ahead and have a good cry. You’ll keep your stress level down and improve your health if you do.

I once read that tears flow from the waterfall in your heart when you need to heal!!

Here's hoping that you don't have many reasons to cry! (But if you do....its healthy).

Love and Blessings,

Jean Fisher-Taylor x

Tuesday, 22 March 2011


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No one can make you feel inferior without your consent - Eleanor Roosevelt

Do you have someone in your life that makes you feel less magnificent than you should feel?  It can be a partner, parent, child, friend or colleague.  If someone makes you feel small or less beautiful and perfect than you really are or putting too much on your shoulders then you need to set firm boundaries to protect yourself and to stop any negative behaviour towards yourself.

I am in the process of setting some boundaries as someone has sometimes knowingly and quite often unknowingly made remarks that have hurt me and caused distressed.  I am aware that I have internalised this hurt and it has affected my behaviour in certain areas of my life.  After much soul searching and several sleepless nights I am taking ownership of this problem.  It isn't what the person is saying or their bad behaviour that is causing the problem, it is MY reaction and refusal to confront the situation that is causing me to hurt.  I have been choosing to ignore the problem and therefore, internally making myself miserable.

As this is the year I am making huge changes, I am now tackling this situation and confronting the person causing the distress and I am setting very firm boundaries that will protect my energy and my faith in myself! I came across these tips.  If you need to set boundaries or reinforce one's that you have in place, I hope these will help.

10 Tips for Setting Boundaries by Julie Fordham - Articlesbase

1.      Define what your Values and Priorities are.  What is really important to you?  What do you want to achieve?  Look at all areas of your life, not just work – lets go for ideal world stuff here to help you broaden your perspective – spending more time with your family, friends, spending quality time with your children, actually taking all of your holiday allocation to enjoy and relax away from work or your business, hobbies, self development, fun, sporting activities, leisure activities, baking etc.
2.      Tell Them! You will need to let people know what your boundaries are.  If you always stay at work late but have decided that on a Friday you are going to leave work on time, then you have to let people know that.  If you do not wish to barter your services with another business and you want to get paid for the work you do, then you have to let people know that.  If you do not want to be shouted at in the middle of an open plan office by someone who just happens to be having a bad day, you need to calmly and directly let them know that.
3.      You can't please everyone all of the time! Most of the time people will understand that you want to dedicate time to the different areas of your life, especially if you explain the importance of those areas to them.  When you enter into "people pleasing" Island, remember sometimes you have to please yourself without feeling guilty about it, so that you meet your needs, wants and achieve your goals.  It is easy to feel like you are being selfish but surely if you do not take time out to meet your needs, you are never really well equipped to meet the needs of others.
4.      Teach people how to treat you. You probably don't realise it but every day you teach people around you how you want them to treat you.  If you do not speak up and let someone know how you want to be treated, you are giving them the message loud and clear "it's perfectly ok to treat me like that".  Learn how to say no (, speak up.  This is the quickest and most effective way to ensure others are clear about who you are and how to respect your boundaries.
5.      Say No but offer an alternative.  Sometimes we do not say no to requests because we fear that it can come across as unhelpful, harsh or abrupt.  However, there is a solution to this – offer an alternative or more detail.  The following are only examples of what you could say, as every situation, person, career is different and this article cannot cover every possible scenario.
  • "No, I can't take on that project now, I have a lot of commitments on at the moment and it would mean that I would not be able to complete them on time.
Conversely, if you are in a situation and you have to say yes, consider saying:
  • "You know I have a lot on right now and taking on this project is going to affect the deadlines on other projects, is it possible to delegate these other tasks to someone else?"
Or another way of putting it might be:
  • "Yes, I will do it but only when I have finished these other projects and give a date when you will be starting it.
6.      Don't reinvent the wheel. Think about people you know that demonstrate strong boundary setting.  Then ask them for some tips and advice. Also watch and listen to what they do and say.  Then try it for yourself.
7.      Maintain a neutral tone.  Begin by setting simple but firm boundaries with a neutral tone. (Think about how you would say "the grass is green" and this is the tone you are aiming for).  It will feel uncomfortable at first and perhaps a little awkward but the more you practice it, the more confident you will feel.
8.      Perfect your Communication Skills. Try to model direct, clear and assertive communication skills so that you are understood.  If your communication is unclear or vague you will give a partial message about what your boundaries are, to whoever you are talking to.    This means that people can misunderstand or misinterpret what you say and your needs will not be met or understood.
9.      Eliminate the "If I don't do it, it won't get done" voice. If the task is important, it will and it will always get done! If you work for a company, someone will be found to complete a project or task.  If it really wouldn't get done then it really wasn't that important.  If you work for yourself you need to ask yourself the question "Is this particular project/task in alignment with my business goals and strategy?"  If it isn't, it isn't a priority.
10.  You know you need to set a boundary when..............  you feel anger, resentment or you find yourself complaining about the same situation for the 100th time.  Think about what the issue is for you and how it affects you as a person.  Think about how it impacts on your time, values and priorities.  Then communicate your boundary clearly using as few words as possible.  Try not to justify, apologise or rationalise what you are saying and at all costs do not argue.
So there they are some tried and tested (but by no means exhaustive) tips for boundary setting to support you in reclaiming the time and balance in your life, career or business.
Like everything setting boundaries is a process.  You will probably not have a problem with setting or defining them, the challenge comes when you have to stick to them.  At the start you may find yourself in a three steps forward, two steps back situation.  Inevitably, you will come up against someone, who liked the old you, who gave up their time, energy, resources and goals easily and effortlessly.  They will question and challenge you because they liked the way you used to be.    However, the more you practice the more confidence you will gain, so stick to your guns and don't give up.

Love and Blessings,

Jean Fisher-Taylor

Monday, 21 March 2011

"I love myself"

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Hello and welcome to a new week and a new Monday Mantra.  I ran an Angel Workshop yesterday and read this meditation to the group.  I thought it would be lovely to share with all of you.  It is from Louise L Hay and it is called "I love myself",  Therefore the Mantra this week is......

"I love myself"

I hope you enjoy this and take the time to let the words resonate with you.  When ever you feel low or in need of a loving boost, please re-read this.

I love myself

Deep at the centre of my being,
there is an infinite well of love.

I now allow this love to flow to the surface.
It fills my heart, my body, my mind, my consciousness,
my very being, and radiates out from me in all directions
and returns to me multiplied.
The more love I use and give, the more I have to give.
The supply is endless.
The use of love makes me feel good,
it is an expression of my inner joy.

I love myself;
therefore, I take loving care of my body.
I lovingly feed it nourishing foods and beverages,
I lovingly groom it and dress it, and my body lovingly
responds to me with vibrant health and energy.

I love myself; therefore provide for myself
a comfortable home, one that fills
all my needs and is a pleasure to be in.
I fill the rooms with the vibration of love
so that all who enter, myself included,
will feel this love and be nourished by it.

I love myself; therefore I work at a job I truly enjoy
doing, one that uses my creative talents and abilities,
working with and for people I love and who love me,
and earning a good income.

I love myself; therefore, I behave and think in a loving
way to all people for I know that that which I give out
returns to me multiplied.
I only attract loving people in my world,
for they are a mirror of what I am.

I love myself; therefore I forgive and totally release
the past and all past experiences and I am free.

I love myself; therefore I live totally in the now,
experiencing each moment as good and knowing that
my future is bright and joyous and secure,
for I am a beloved child of the Universe
and the Universe lovingly takes care of me
now and forever more.

And so it is.

Love and Blessings,

Jean Fisher-Taylor x

Friday, 18 March 2011

Home is where the heart is!

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I was watching a television programme yesterday and could feel my hackles rising!  It is called How not to decorate with Justin and Colin.  Now as people and designers I love these two very much.  However, yesterday they were picking through some poor couple's home, laughing at the lack of taste they had, scoffing over pine cladding and colour choices and organising a skip to dump twenty years of  hard earned and probably much loved furniture and personal bits. (The couple had not requested that they go on the show themselves, a kindly neighbour nominated them as she felt they lived in a time warp!).

It got me thinking.  What does our home say about us? What does our home feel like to other people?

We build up a home around us over many years.  We add our personal touches with photographs, momentos of holidays and beloved gifts given by friends and family.  We choose colours that are in fashion at the time or that make us feel safe and comfortable.  Most of us do not have a bottomless purse to constantly change with the times.  My own home reflects me to a tee, someone once said that the house is full of hearts and angels (Ahhh the name of my little shop was born and when that closed, my holistic business took on this name too).

A home is where love is. It is where your heart has created comfort.  You feel that love as soon as you enter the house, its a vibration, a joyful feeling and a bubble of excitement.  I love other people's homes, I love how bits of them are reflected in every room.  We are all individuals, we are all drawn to different colours, woods, objects and ideas of comfort.  That is what creates OUR homes.

I wish the designers who make tv programmes would remember this when they entering someone's sanctuary and place of safety and comfort, where their heart has created love.  It may not be this season's colours Darrrrling, it may not be in vogue at the moment but it is HOME! There isn't a shop in the world where you can buy that kind of love!!! The end result may look stunning, if somewhat impractical but I feel so sad when I hear them say "It doesn't feel like our home". Why would it? The very essence of them has been removed to make way for a magazine cover look that isn't really meant to be lived in at all.

Wishing you all a fabulous weekend in your home's filled with love!

Jean Fisher-Taylor

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Sweet Dreams.....?!

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In the past two weeks I have been having the most bizarre dreams!  Some have been fear based, others anger based and others so realistic that they have lived with me all day.  In the past I would be logging on to dream websites, looking at dream dictionaries or asking family and friends for their interpretation of my dreams.  One day an answer popped in to my head so profound and simple that I couldn't believe I hadn't known this sooner.......

My dreams are a message to ME from ME!

No amount of reading up would give me the answers.  No one else's thoughtful interpretation would unravel the messages of those dreams as they are completely mine.  I have set up a dream journal which I keep beside the bed and every morning (or sometimes during the night if a dream wakes me) I record as much information as I can. 

Meditating on the dream can also give enlightened insights to how you are feeling, what your emotions are telling you and explanations you seek will become clearer.  During our dreams, our Guardian Angels, spirit guides and loved one's who have passed can sometimes make contact with us.  Dreams allow communication and contact that may be ignored through the waking hours as imagination.

Dreams prompt us to look within and examine how we feel.  If somethings feels out of balance or uncomfortable, then you are being prompted to change it or heal it.  Keeping a dream journal is very helpful.  You can see patterns and themes emerging that need attention.  You can see inspired ideas and creative sparks.  You can see where you are being encouraged to make necessary life changes for the better.

If you do not keep a journal at the moment, I highly recommend it.  See what YOU are telling YOURSELF in your dreams.

Love and Blessings,

Jean Fisher-Taylor x

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Don't eat burnt toast!

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Inspiration for these posts come in many ways.  Today's inspiration was taken from my lovely friend Carrie who commented on Monday's blog and told me it reminded her of Teri Hatcher's book "Burnt Toast".  I then did some research and found this excerpt from the book which pretty sums up what I am trying to do this year.  Taking better care of myself and encouraging others along for the journey with me!  I hope you enjoy this short extract and I hope you never eat the burnt toast again!!!

Taken from "Burnt Toast"

Toast. Think about it for a moment. It probably has the simplest recipe in the world: one ingredient, one instruction. Still, you know when you're trying to make it and you just can't get it right? It's too light or too soft, then... totally burnt. Charred in a matter of seconds -- now it's more like a brick than a piece of toast. So what do you do? Are you the kind of person who tries to scrape off the black? Or do you smother it with jam to hide the taste? Do you throw it away, or do you just eat it? If you shrug and eat the toast, is it because you're willing to settle for less? Maybe you don't want to be wasteful, but if you go ahead and eat that blackened square of bread, then what you're really saying -- to yourself and to the world -- is that the piece of bread is worth more than your own satisfaction.
Up 'til now, I ate the burnt toast. I learned that from my mother -- metaphorically if not literally. I can't actually remember if she even likes toast or how she eats it. But what I know for sure is that although she was a loving and devoted wife and mother, she always took care of everyone and everything else before herself. This habitual self-sacrifice was well intended, but ultimately it's a mixed message for a child. It taught me that in order for me to succeed, someone else had to suffer. I learned to accept whatever was in front of me without complaint because I didn't think I deserved good things.
I can toast bread just fine. I don't know about you, but my toaster only has one button. It's a no-brainer. And still, I've been eating that metaphoric burnt toast all my life, and I think other people do too. Then I hit forty. Jules Renard said, "We don't understand life any better at forty than at twenty, but we know it and admit it." Admitting that there were things I still needed to figure out made me see this new decade as a chance to reconsider some of my behaviors. Did I really want to spend another ten years this way? The easy answer: no. The harder realization was that in order to change, I needed to stop eating the burnt toast. I had to be done anticipating failure. I had to be done feeling like I didn't deserve good things, tasty things. And I was. I decided I was too old to continue this way. I didn't want to do it anymore, and I don't want other people to do it either. There is a way for us to value ourselves without taking away from anyone else. We should settle for nothing less than being good to ourselves and others. But it's hard to break old habits. You can make a new piece of toast in a couple minutes, but happiness takes work. That's why I wrote this book. It's my wacky, serious, skittish, heartfelt attempt to share my jagged route to happiness with other people like me.

Love and Blessings,

Jean Fisher-Taylor

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Blissful Bubbles

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Following on from yesterday's blog when a friend of mine wished for a little bit of time for herself to enjoy a bubble bath, it made me think of the perfect way to have this delicious "Me" time.  Now, we are all intelligent people and I know this may seem like I am teaching us all how to suck eggs.....however, I am hoping that the article will inspire you to take some time out and enjoy the best bath you have ever had.  Moreover, I am hoping to get you so hooked that you will make it a regular ritual.  My usual routine is to grab a quick bath.  If its in the morning, I wash my hair and jump out in five minutes.  In the evenings, I know Mr T is waiting to have his bath too before settling down for the evening so again its a quick 5 minute wash and out again.

Tonight, I am following the instructions below and looking forward to bliss!

What you will need......

  • 1 bath tub (Well of course.....)
  • Bubble bath
  • Candles
  • Music
  • Eye pillow, chilled gel eye mask or cold washcloth
  • Big warm towel


Turn off the house phone and mobile phone.

Start filling the tub with hot water and bubble bath in a soothing scent. (My personal favourites are Molten Brown and I Coloniali with Japanese Yuzu)

Turn down the lights or turn them off and light candles. (Scented one’s are lovely especially Inspiritus by St Eval)

Turn on soft music.

Sink into tub and get comfortable.

Use eye pillow, chilled gel mask or, last resort, a cold washcloth.

Let your mind just drift. Focus on the hot water, the soothing scented bubbles, the quiet music and the cool darkness over your eyes. Intentionally relax each muscle starting from your toes and working up till your entire body and mind are at ease.

When the water starts to cool, top up with more hot water or when you are ready to get out, wrap yourself in a big, soft, warm towel and slowly PAT yourself dry.

Moisturise your entire body before you turn on the lights, turn off the music or open that door. Massage the bath loosened muscles while you do so.

Then, and only then, calmly re-enter the world outside your bathroom door.


Scatter petals amoungst your bubbles for extra scent and luxury.

Sip an ice cold glass of something lovely.....Cava or Prosecco for me!

Invite in a very hunky partner or better still, enjoy the bath and get hunky partner to massage in your moisturiser?!


One happy, relaxed and probably sleepy person!

I hope you enjoy.

Love and Blessings,

Jean Fisher-Taylor

Monday, 14 March 2011

Dear Diary.....!

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Hello, Monday again and that means time for a new Mantra!

"I give myself permission to spend time doing the things I want to do"

This is inspired by a conversation I had with a friend.  She told me she had looked in her diary which was crammed with things to do, places to go and people to see. Not one of those things were actually for her.  They were all things for her partner and family.  She suddenly realised she was playing a bit part role in everyone else's busy life and had no time to be the starring role in her own life.

We spoke about some of the things she would love to do.  "I would love a massage", she told me rubbing her weary shoulders.  "I would love to have a morning wandering around town and have a coffee with a friend."  "Most of all, I would love a long, hot bubble bath with a glass of wine and a book like you see in films!"

I asked her to take her diary out and book time out for all three of these things.  Once we got past all of the excuses, cries of guilt and anguish, she actually booked the three things she wanted to do most.  I spoke to her a few days ago and she assured me that she had managed two of the three and is planning to meet an old school friend in the next week or so!

Taking time out is essential.  Doing something that gives you pleasure is also essential.  Life should be savoured and enjoyed not just endured.  I know friends that spend every evening and weekend taking their children to five or six different activities and sports.  Whilst I applaud the opportunities those children have, would it not be better to reduce those activities a little and the parent s to take time for their activities also.

All work and no play makes us cranky, exhausted and unfulfilled!

Please make time in your diary for YOU as soon as possible.

Love and Blessings,

Jean Fisher-Taylor

Thursday, 10 March 2011

I Dreamed A Dream!

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I haven't blogged about an inspirational person for a while so decided today was the day to do so!  I have chosen Susan Boyle, as to me, she is one of my all time inspirational greats.  The first night I watched her on TV, and heard her sing, tears poured down my cheeks.

Susan is an inspiration to all women and in fact to all people.  We live in an appearance obsessed society.  Susan did not tick the usual celebrity boxes.  She simply had a beautiful talent and above all she had a passion to change her life.  She rose above the bullying and ridicule that could have left most people fearful of leaving their home and pushed herself to appear on television. The media hype was frenzied and this lovely lady had to endure yet more ridicule because of her looks. 

Susan wanted to make a difference, she wanted her life to change so she took control of the steering wheel of her life and drove her ambition in the direction of achievement and success.  She didn't wait until her hair was styled or coloured, she didn't wait until she was the perfect weight, she didn't wait until she had the perfect outfit or makeover. She didn't wait until everyone gave their approval of her decision.  She simply grasped life by the hands and made a difference to both her own and many other people's lives.

More tears poured down my face when I saw her appear in America.  There was a sea of ordinary, good people who felt uplifted by her story.  She gives hope to many people.  She made it possible for everyone to dream a dream and make it a reality.

To me, Susan Boyle is a modern day heroine and I applaud her.

Love and Blessings,

Jean Fisher-Taylor

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Do you know where you're going to?

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I was listening to this song the other day and the words really resonated deeply.  How often do we step off the busy treadmill of life and take stock of where we are, what we are doing, where do we want to go? and what do we want to be doing?.  If we are bobbing along without any plans or goals and simply accepting the way life is, we are not participating in our life.  We are not taking control of that steering wheel and taking responsibility for what happens to us.  We are at the mercy of others, they shape our reality.

Read the words of this song carefully and even better listen with an open mind to this You Tube version and then take some time to think about your life and what expectations you have. What do you want to experience?  What do want to achieve? What do you want your life to look like in six months, a year, 5 years? etc.  Make goals and commit to achieving your heart's desires, you deserve to lead a great life, a full life that fulfills your dreams.  Take stock today!

Diana Ross - Do you know where you're going to!
Listen on

Do you know where you're going to?
Do you like the things that life is showing you?
Where are you going to? do you know?
Do you get what you're hoping for?
When you look behind you there's no open door
What are you hoping for?
Do you know?

Once we were standing still in time
Chasing the fantasies that filled our minds
You knew i loved you, but my spirit was free
Laughing at the question that you once ask me

Do you know where you're going to?
Do you like the things that life is showing you?
Where are you going to? do you know?

Now, looking back in all we pass
We've let so many dreams just slip through our hands
Why must we wait so long before we see
How sad the answers to those questions can be?

Do you know where you're going to?
Do you like the things that life is showing you?
Where are you going to? do you know?
Do you get what you're hoping for?
When you look behind you there's no open door
What are you hoping for? do you know?

Don't let time pass on your hopes and dream, believe you deserve more.and believe you can achieve more. If you can believe it you are already on the road to achievement.  Enjoy the journey!

Love and Blessings,

Jean Fisher-Taylor x

Take Heart!

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In the Wizard of Oz, the Tin Man craved a heart, only to discover that he had one all along!  We see many articles about the heart being linked to romance and love.  We see many articles encouraging healthy eating and exercise to create a healthier heart.  I came across this article from Ed and Deb Shapiro on listening to your heart!

Your heart is more than your body's most important organ—it's also the essence of your spiritual and emotional being. Find out why listening to your heart is much more valuable than always making decisions with just your head.
"A good heart is better than all the heads in the world."
— Robert Bulwer-Lytton

When you fall in love, you feel your heart flutter, beat loudly or leap for joy; when you're rejected, your heart breaks. You are called heartless or cold-hearted when you show no care or love...and big-hearted when you extend your concern to others. You "take things to heart" or "talk heart-to-heart" about deeply personal issues. You love someone "from the bottom of your heart" but are half-hearted about something when you're emotionally uninvolved. You experience your heart as the center of your feelings, as seen on Valentine's Day when love-filled hearts abound. You know this instinctively, as you always physically point to your heart when you say "I" or want to express your deeper feelings.

Yet your heart is so much more than a vessel for romance. It has been described as the king, with the mind as the king's adviser. When faced with a decision, the king may ask his advisers for advice, may even send him out into the world to gather information, but ultimately it is the king that makes the final decision. Even though the advisers do not always agree with the king's decision, the king is invariably right, because the king's view not only sees the bigger picture but is also aware of the needs of others.

In the same way, when faced with a decision or conflict, your mind may come up with numerous, different and quite logical reasons why you should act as it advises, but if you listen to and trust your heart—however illogical or irrational it may seem—it is usually right and you are happier as a result.

There is great brilliance and beauty inherent within the mind, because it is capable of understanding the most intricate scientific and mathematical theories and can make complicated corporate decisions. Yet the same mind can get caught up in trivia and nonsense, becoming upset or even unglued over a seemingly harmless remark. It runs your life, pushing and pulling you in all directions, from attraction to repulsion, creating endless dramas in acting out your insecurities and fears, because it is not in touch with your deeper feelings. Living inside your head all the time is actually not much fun!

While the mind is the content of who you are, your heart is your essence. Your true heart is not subject to chaos or limited by pain, fear and neuroses, but is joyful, creative and loving. Some believe the heart can be too uncertain and even misguided, but that is the head talking! It is actually a source of great richness, and this wealth is one that cannot be squandered or lost. It is the core, the essence of your being, a reservoir of joy, powerful love and infinite compassion that lies within you.

I hope you enjoyed this article.

Love and Blessings,

Jean Fisher-Taylor x

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

I win you lose na na na na na

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On Sunday I learned something about myself that I have never noticed before, I am not proud of this shadow trait that I possess......I am a bad winner!!!

Mr T and I took up badminton two years ago in an attempt to get fitter and to take our potato soft bottoms out of the chair at least once a week.  Every week I have diligently got dressed into tracksuit bottoms and trainers, braved rain, wind, snow, ice and extreme heats to go and play Mr T at badminton.  You would think that after playing for two years I would have significantly improved and be an able match for Mr T. Alas, sadly this is not the case.  Mr T is fairly good, he reads my moves well and anticipates where to hit the shuttlecock to cause me the most difficulty.  My mission and aim is to just hit the shuttlecock back over the net!!! My mantra is God loves a trier and I really do try every week!

Mr T wins almost every week apart from two fluke evenings when I managed to win by a hare's whisker.  I live in hope that he will take pity on my losing ways and throw a few games to make me feel good but he is a competitive man and shows no mercy.  I know most people want to earn their victories but I would happily take any winning pickings I could get.  Especially as Mr T usually has me running around that court like an extra from a Benny Hill comedy sketch!!

Today, things were different, we went along to the sports centre and almost from the first game I felt a sense that I could gain the upper hand. I swooshed and swatted that shuttlecock, I whacked it and batted it and after 45 minutes, Mr T could take no more and I was the WINNER!!  I was ecstatic, I came out of that sports centre on air, the sun was brighter, the air was clearer and I was gloating and crowing whilst poor Mr T hobbled behind me clutching his back.  Did I not say that he wasn't on form today as he has a sore back...........? Well as I said earlier I take pickings where I can get them!

I know I should be ashamed of my behaviour, I know that gloating at someone else's misfortune is not kind, but.............the sweet smell of success in my nostrils is making want to dance and sing Na Na Na Na Na, its not big and its not clever but is oh so very sweet!

Love and Blessings,

Jean Fisher-Taylor - future champion Badminton player of the world maybe even the universe!

Monday, 7 March 2011

Seeing the beauty in everything

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Monday Mantra - today I have chosen "I choose to see the beauty in everything!"

Sometimes it is easy to believe that we lead very ordinary lives with a few extraordinary moments thrown in.  However, life is just one huge miracle from start to finish.  If we are prepared to look at life in a different way, we will find beauty in everything.  How many times do we feel fed up doing household chores and wondering if everyone else is living full and exciting lives.  There is beauty in the seemingly mundane.  When I was washing up this morning, I thought about the water, both hot and cold that was filling the basin, pumped into our homes in abundance, I thought about the soapy bubbles and the scientist who created the concoction of chemicals, smells and colours that clean our plates thoroughly.  I wondered about the artist who created a design on my plate, the kiln owner who fired the plate, the people involved in the making of that one plate from the supplier of materials to make it right through the process of making it, designing it, packaging it, marketing it, selling it, transporting it etc etc.  How often do you really look at everything around you and truly appreciate it?

Try today to see the beauty in everything. Jonathan Mead from Think Simple Now writes,

  • Find beauty in the little things. It’s amazing to me how when I stop the incessant mental chatter, and actually just see things, I am blown away by how beautiful they are. The trees swaying, the leaves blowing around on the ground, the waves crashing on the shore. The simplest of things have the most profound beauty. But you can only see them if you’re really there. If your mind is brooding, if you’re off somewhere else, you’ll completely miss them.
  • Embrace your artistry. If you think you’re not a creative person, I’m here to respectably tell you – you’re wrong. You couldn’t not create, even if you wanted to. Every time you open your mouth, every story you tell yourself about the drama in your life, is an act of creation. You’re constantly shaping, reinventing, and writing the story of your life. Once you recognize this, it’s much more powerful for you to see yourself as an artist, rather than a non-creative person. So the question is: What story will you create today?
  • Live without limits. Some limits are positive and necessary (like speed limits), but a lot of the limits we place on our lives block us from experiencing our full potential. Arbitrary limits, like fearing to reach out to a homeless person or talk to strangers, restrict the flow of love in our lives.
  • Realize that beauty can be found in the most mundane. Beauty is not always realized through a life-changing moment or a great epiphany. It’s not always hidden in a rainbow, in an earth-shattering orgasm, or found skydiving at 5,000 feet above the ground. Beauty is often found through looking into a newborn’s eyes, in the blooming of a flower, or in paint peeling off an old fence. It’s often where you least expect it.
  • See for the first time. Sometimes we get bogged down in schedules and obligations, and we lose our sense of wonder about the simple joys of life. Just quieting yourself internally and opening yourself up to an experience can allow you to view it again for the very first time. When you’re listening to music, imagine that you might have not been born with the ability to hear. When you reach out to touch someone, think about how many people don’t have use of their limbs. When you observe your surroundings, imagine you’re seeing color for the first time.
  • Live intimately with life. The next time you have a drink of coffee or tea, completely take in the smell and the flavor of the beverage. When you breathe, feel the air enter your lungs. When you walk, really feel the ground beneath your feet. The amount of beauty you experience in life is largely related to your level of intimacy with life. If you’re walking around disconnected, you overlook the wealth of artistry that is available to you right now.
  • Make your passion a priority. It’s easy to get wrapped up in doing all of the things that we think must get done. Wanting everything to be perfect gets in the way of having time for the things you really care about. While the errands and things on your to-do list might be necessary, it’s important to make the things you love a priority. If you have a hard time with distractions getting in your way, make a specific time during your day that is sacred, where you only do what you really want to do. Maybe it’s an hour of Kung Fu or Yoga in the morning before the rest of the world wakes up. Maybe it’s 30 minutes of Mahjong before you turn in for the night. Whatever it is, you have to make it a priority or it will get lost in the vacuum of the minutiae abyss.
  • Focus on the good. The reason still puzzles me, but we humans have a tendency to focus on the negative in events, circumstances, and people. We have a tendency to count our misfortunes and all the things that are lacking before we count our blessings. Make a habit of focusing on all the things you’re grateful for and you will open yourself up to experiencing the beauty of life.
  • Give something away. I’ve found that the best way to reconnect with how beautiful life can be is to give something away. It doesn’t have to be anything material. It can be a compliment, a smile, or a positive intention for someone else. Sometimes the greatest gift you can give is sincerely giving your presence.
This list is, by no means, exhaustive. These are just the things that have worked for me. Experiment on your own and take chances. Sometimes a deep breath or a smile at a stranger is all it takes to bring you back into a state of presence.

Love and Blessings,

Jean Fisher-Taylor

Friday, 4 March 2011

Inspirational Clips by Sivan Garr

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Here are some lovely You Tube clips that are loving, nurturing and inspirational from Sivan Garr! Whenever your faith in YOU wavers, play these for a boost of joy!

I Love you, I believe in you, You are beautiful!

Jean Fisher-Taylor

Thursday, 3 March 2011

Who you are makes a difference

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I opened an email this morning from a lovely friend Kim and found this inspirational story.  I felt really moved and wanted to share this story with others.  I strongly believe in self acceptance and self belief.  I strongly believe in appreciating yourself, your skills, your talents and you as a whole person.  This story is also a reminder that we need to tell others how much they mean to us.  Whether its our parents, children, partner, friends or colleagues, we should tell the people we care about how much they mean to us and why!

Not to put a morbid dampener on the day but I have chosen James Taylor's "Shower the people you love with love" as my funeral song because it hopefully represents the life I have lived, telling those who I love and care for that I really DO love and care for them, I make it a habit to tell them a lot!  I hope this story inspires you to tell someone what a difference they have made to your life.

Who YOU Are ... Makes a Difference
-- Author Unknown

A teacher in New York City decided to honor each of her graduating high school seniors by telling each of them the difference she felt they made as an individual.
She called each student to the front of the class, one at a time. First she told the student how they had made a difference to her and the class. Then she presented them with a blue ribbon imprinted with gold letters reading: "Who I Am Makes a Difference."
She noticed a considerable attitudinal change in the class. So she decided to do a class project to determine what impact such recognition could have on their local community.
She gave each student three more ribbons, and asked them to go out and spread an “acknowledgment ceremony.”
One of the boys in the class went to a junior executive in a nearby company, and honored him for helping him with his career planning. He gave him a blue ribbon and put it on his shirt.
Then the boy gave the executive two extra ribbons and asked him to find someone else to honor, and to in turn give them the extra blue ribbon so they could acknowledge a third person. The student asked the executive to report back to tell him what happened.
Later that day the junior executive went in to see his boss, who was known as a rather bad-tempered man. He sat his boss down and he told him that he deeply admired him for being a creative genius. The boss was very surprised. The junior executive asked him if he would accept the gift of the blue ribbon, and asked for permission to pin it on him.
His surprised boss gave his permission. The executive pinned the blue ribbon on his boss's jacket directly above his heart. Then he gave his boss the third blue ribbon, and told him of the boy’s request.
That night the boss sat his 14-year-old son down and told him: "The most incredible thing happened to me today. I was in my office and one of my junior executives came in and told me he admired me, He gave me a blue ribbon for being a creative genius. Imagine that. He thinks I'm a creative genius.”
He then told his son he wanted to honor him, and pinned the last remaining blue ribbon on his son’s t-shirt.
The startled boy began to sob. He couldn't stop. His whole body shook. He looked at his father through his tears and told him: "Dad, earlier tonight I sat in my room and wrote a letter to you and Mom explaining why I was killing myself, and asking you to forgive me. I was going to commit suicide after you were asleep. I didn't think you cared for me at all.”
His father walked upstairs and found a heartfelt letter full of anguish and pain. The envelope was addressed, "Mom and Dad."
The boss went back to work a changed man. He called in each employee one at a time to let them know that they made a difference.
Who you are DOES make a difference!
Don’t forget it!
And make sure the people in your life
know how special they are!

Love and Blessings to you all,

Jean Fisher-Taylor