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Hello! I am sorry that I have been absent for a few days but I have been off following a dream!
I applied to become a contestant on Deal or No Deal 14 months ago. I am a huge fan of the programme and just love Noel Edmonds! I only recently received a phone call offering me an audition in London this week. I attended the audition and got through the first stage and now I am waiting to find out my fate which will be later in the year. It was a wonderful experience and I am grateful for being given the opportunity as there were over 100,000 applications.
On the return journey from London yesterday I began thinking about my blog and how Deal or No Deal is so significant in every day life. In other words, do we just settle because it is an easier option or do we push on and create opportunities for something better to be offered in life. Do you "Deal" for what life offers or do you "No Deal" and wait to see if something bigger and better is offered to you? Do you feel you deserve enough or lots more?
For the first time in a long time, I was out of my comfort zone. I felt that exciting feeling of butterflies in my stomach. I was given an opportunity to have fun, meet many fascinating people and to experience something totally new and unknown to me. All this from completing an application form to become a contestant on a favourite game show.
I challenge you to try something completely new today. Do something that pushes the barriers of your comfort zone. Stretch yourself to do something that will make you excited. You never know where it may take you and who you may meet.
Love and Blessings,
Jean Fisher-Taylor x