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I have just been reminiscing with an old friend about days gone by! It made me look at the friendship groups I have in my life and how each and every one of them has played a huge part in my life. My oldest friend Antoinette (and I say this as it annoys her immensely as she is one month older than me!) has been in my life for 39 years. We started school at the age of four. She was a fiesty redhead and we made life long friends on the first day. We were each other's bridesmaids. She is only a phone call away! When I went to senior school, I met two rocks, Jane and Vicky who have given me the most laughter and fun in my life.
When life hit an all time low after losing my husband, these two girls were there helping me to move from the depths of despair to happier days. My first job brought me my lovely friend Sally who took me under her wing and protected me. My Civil Service years produced some of the happiest times of my life (work apart of course). I met a friendship circle like no other, Liz (who passed away but left a legacy of laughter and ridiculous fun), Jenny and Margaret (two of the most glamourous women in the world who fail to age), Anne,(princess pashley, can burp louder than anyone I know) Jackie, Carole, Joy, Kevin and above all Cathy, a women of wisdom, genuine kindness and someone I admire so much.
Along the way, there have been many others, my sisters friends who adopted me, Carol, Kim, Ann and Val (the sisterhood who all bared their breasts on a drunken night in Spain). My lovely friends Suzanne and Marion who have made me laugh until I have cried and have ached for days after our get togethers. Mandy (An angel who appeared in my life, I wish I could take away the pain she has at this moment). Sally, a neighbour who lost her husband six months after I lost mine. We went through the worst times together and have seen happier days shine for us both. Pasqua and Liz, a time of wind ups and incredible sillyness. My sister in-laws Tracy and Catherine and Gail.
Jan, Judith, Lin, Mandy, Linzi, Sammie, Angela, Maureen, Sharon (All met through my late husbands job as a police officer), rocks of support and kindness.
The friends who came along to help me on a new path and journey - Kim (adorable), Susan (my teacher and guru), Debbie (an Angel), Amanda (beautiful), Lucy (A wise one) and her lovely mum Karen. Kathleen (illuminated).
There have been so many new friends of late Jackie (from Happiness Coaching) Ros, Shirley, Sharon, Claire, Sue, Emma, Clare, Kirstie, Lorraine, Gabriella, Brenda, Heather, Julie, Jane, from workshops and Reiki. My newest friend a Twitter soul sister Carrie!
Finally, my sister Ann who I love with all my heart. She knows me inside out, she listens to all my moans and groans, makes me laugh, believes in me and is there for me always as I am for her and all my friends if they need me.
This hasn't been an exercise on "look how many friends I have" but one on looking back at the young years, the good times, the sad times,the worst times and seeing a tapestery of love, laughter and tears woven in as the people we call friends share every one of those times with us. Friends stand by you, they provide you with unconditional love and support and above all they wish the best of everything for you!
I hope you take the time to look back at the friendships in your life and treasure each and everyone of them!
Love and Blessings,
Jean Fisher-Taylor
Along the way
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