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"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent". Eleanor Roosevelt
Do you ever play the blame game? The one where you put the blame on loved one's, family, friends, colleagues and bosses for making you feel bad? There is no shame in saying yes to this question as the majority of us do it ........often!
Louise L Hay says if you are pointing the finger of blame at someone, then turn your other three fingers back to yourself! Usually what annoys you about other's behaviour is it mirrors a behaviour pattern within you that you don't like and needs to be addressed.
When we blame someone we are giving away our power, we are saying that this person has been given a starring role in our life to make us feel small, angry, fearful or resentful. As you know from other posts, my belief is there should only be one starring role in your life and that should be YOU!
In these circumstances, take back your power. Do not play the blame game. Remember you can choose how you want to feel and act at all times. Acknowledge that the behaviour of that person has caused offense. Either put firm boundaries in place to prevent the situation occurring again in the future or check in with yourself and ask why are you feeling bad about what has been said or done.
Do you need to release any old behavioural patterns that are limiting you? Do you need to walk away from a person or situation that is no longer serving your highest purpose? Do what ever it takes to make you feel strong and in control of your life.
When you release the need to blame you take control of your life, your emotions and your well being!
Love and Blessings,
Jean Fisher-Taylor x
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