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25 years ago today I married a wonderful man! I was only 18 years old and even though I was young in years, I had the sense and maturity to know that I had found "great love" We had an incredibly happy and contented marriage until he was taken away from me with such suddenness that my life shattered in front of my eyes leaving a void and an ache where my heart was. We were married for 19 beautiful years. Martin left me the gift of two fabulous daughters, a home full of love and secured the future financially. His passing led me to find a new life working and healing with Angels.
I grew up with him, saw the world through his eyes and became the person I am today because of him. He showed me that relationships should be built on unwavering trust, warmth, love and protection. Martin was the embodiment of "great love."
After a few years, lonely and in need of being loved again and desperately wanting to love someone, I wrote a letter to the Angels asking them to bring the perfect person into my life. They certainly answered my prayers. I was also told by a clairvoyant that Martin had helped me to find love again with Mr. T. (I like to think that the Angels and Martin worked together). There are many similarities in that they are the same age, both born in Glasgow yet brought up in Ayrshire. Their football teams would have played against each other. Mr. T also possesses all the attributes that I had experienced in my previous marriage, loving, gentle, kind, trustworthy, warm and protective.
Everyone deserves "big love", "great love" and more importantly "for a lifetime love." No one should settle for anything less. Out of heartbreaking sadness came happiness and so much more love than I could have believed possible. Both of these wonderful men inspire me believe in the impossible. I have one holding my hand in the here and now, encouraging me to reach out and achieve my dreams and the other's spirit protecting me and encouraging me to live a life that has meaning without him in it.
If you have the love of your life in your life now, treasure them and tell them how special they are to you. If you are looking for the love of your life, believe that you deserve "great love." and that is what you will attract. Also, consider dropping a line to the Angels and give them your wish list! Unlike lightening, "great love" does strike in the same place twice!
Love and Blessings to you all and especially to the two wonderful men in my life.
Jean Fisher-Taylor xxx
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