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'I achieve everything I need to succeed easily, effortlessly, excellently, enjoyably, smoothly, successfully, swiftly, marvelously and miraculously this week', and that's exactly what will happen:
I received this email from the Barefoot Doctor yesterday and I loved the above mantra he uses to create a fantastic week so I want to share it with you. Also he gives a link to his song "Get Spanky" which makes me laugh out loud as it is both cheesy and meaningful!!!
Here it is......
Hi dear Jean
Faced with all the things you have to do this week, based on the
notion that what you focus on grows, tell yourself, 'I achieve
everything I need to succeed easily, effortlessly, excellently,
enjoyably, smoothly, successfully, swiftly, marvelously and
miraculously this week', and that's exactly what will happen: it's
pure wu wei magic.
In promotion of this notion, I let as many people as possible know
about the wee video I made with my friend Leakster, 'Get Spanky',
which compounds the what-you-focus-on-grows concept in comedic
style and so helps alter your approach to life from within by
appealing to your inner child. See it here:
And because so many people were away at the time - I could tell by
the high number of out of office responders - I thought it only
proper both in service to you and the work, to let you know again
should you have missed it the first time round. There's an EP of
wonderfully consciousness-altering pieces with an edifying PDF
called 'What You Focus On Grows' now available at iTunes:
And there's a free audio podcast gift explaining the underlying wu
wei philosophy behind the music you might enjoy - click on the link
and scroll
down to the top audio entry:
And if you have seen Get Spanky and felt it changed your day let
everyone know about it, as it would be a great thing for us to
influence the whole world to focus on what they wanted to grow,
which beyond the selfish would ultimately be a world of peace, love
and plenty for all:
May your day be resplendent with peace, love and plenty.
With love, BD
Love and Blessings,
Jean Fisher-Taylor x
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