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I hope you all had a lovely bank holiday weekend and enjoyed an extra day at home to take it easy and maybe enjoy a long lie in bed without the ever familiar clanging of an alarm bell!
What is your usual morning routine? Do you stir to an alarm clock? Is your first thought of the day...."Hooray another wonderful new day?" or is it more....."Oh god, not another day at work?"
Mornings are a very good time to give gratitude to everything that you have in your life right now! The cosy bed you have slept in. The clean covers that kept you warm. The sound of the birds chirping away outside. The person you wake up with. The plentiful water you have to wash with. The clean clothes you have to wear. The breakfast food that you will eat etc etc.
How you set the tone of your day determines how the day will unfold. It is worth spending a few minutes setting your intentions for that day. What do you want to achieve?, Who do you want to connect with?, Where do you want to go?. It is also good to set an intention that the day will be a wonderful day, stating it will go smoothly and effortlessly.
I start my mornings with the mantra that I am currently working with and then I spend a few moments with my arms outstretched whilst letting the universe, the Angels and the creator that I am open to miracles and magic in my life today, I am open to an abundance of joy, happiness, peace, love, creativity, solutions, financial flow and divine health.
It doesn't take more than a couple of minutes to set the tone of your day but you will really feel the benefits throughout the day!
Love and Blessings,
Jean Fisher-Taylor x
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