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How are you feeling at the moment? If you are feeling a little bit down, lacking energy and finding it hard to keep your thoughts positive. You will be glad to know you are not alone. There has felt like there has been something in the air lately and many of the people I know, myself included have had a difficult few weeks energy wise. There seem to have been more problems than usual to deal with. Friends and family have had greater problems to cope with and this seems to have rubbed off on everyone.
There is a very good reason for this and I came across this article which explains in greater detail how and why we have all been feeling a little off lately. It is in part to do with the Summer Solstice and the planetary changes that have been taking place. I hope this eases your mind.
It is the day that the Sun shifts into Cancer, heralding the mid-year shift in the seasons. In the Northern Hemisphere, it is time to give thanks and make plans to gather your resources for the long and looming winter. Whilst in the Southern Hemisphere, it is time to give thanks as you make preparations to increase and nurture your resources during the warm, productive months of spring. The chart of the solstice shift in itself is challenging and quite karmic. There is a Cardinal T-Square between the Black Moon Lilith, Mercury, and Saturn indicating that you are dealing with heavily laden emotional dynamics, and are prone to difficult moments of relating to others. This is anger, meets control, meets communicating from the heart, with the broader intention of expressing your pains in a productive way of healing and empowerment.
There is a high level of disappointment in the realms of romance at the moment, as those who have felt compelled to make snap decisions over the last two eclipses, leave their ex-lovers emotionally broken in their wake. It has been a raw experience to read and hear about such heavy emotional endings that have left one side of the relationship equation at a complete loss as to why. For the Solstice chart, Saturn and the Moon sit in quincunx, ensuring that this level of emotionally harsh behaviour is tempered, due to a fear of making an irrational and impractical emotional decision. With the Pisces Moon in perfect trine to Cancer ruled Mercury, there is fluid movement between the heart, the mind and the 12th House karmic intention. Lessons have been learned here, the hard way thanks to Pluto sextile Chiron, but these lessons do open the doorway to the positive experience that is the gift of healing and personal evolution.
In connection to the Cancer Sun, is Neptune, imbuing life participation with a whimsical cloud of artistic beauty and romantic desire. What is often forgotten when discussing Neptune, due to his tendency to cloud matters, is that he is the energy of deeper self, an internal wonderment that we as individuals just know that the outside world will tear apart. This trine will encourage you to connect with your inner beauty and seek ways of enabling you to connect with a safe environment in which more of the true you is able to blossom. Of course, seeking the ultimate fairyland is fraught with the obstacle that is human nature, and there is the potential of falling under the spell of lower intention and delusion from those who are less evolved. Ceres will assist you here, forming a square to the Sun, bringing those who are negative in resisting all that is you into the spotlight. These are the type who wish to dominate or change you and whilst compromise is in order to achieve your goals, you will surmount the external negativity to access your personal nirvana.
Mars in square to Neptune, highlights pockets of negative dependency. This is a tough aspect for those who have substance issues, as it encourages you to party, and hard. With the planet of physical action and movement in contact with Neptune, actual activity comes in spurts and spats, as does clarity with ambition and direction regards love. Your dreams can be exceptionally potent, and impatience stems from the overall vibration of life being intangible. This aspect does have a point and it is encouragement to slow down, tend the physical self with kindness and to bring more ‘you and your meaning’ into the day to day. Mars square Neptune is an aspect that needs concentrated effort in order to improve your attention and attitude towards the physical self. As it also highlights where you are prone to seeking comfort from others in dependent, or negative ways, this aspect is motivation to seek ways of improving your self-confidence and attitude towards independence.
Life does not get any easier when it boils down to obstacles in your path to achievement. This has been a pattern in motion for years now and obviously, in certain life areas, you feel as if you are about to snap. Patience is a virtue and in some instances, the challenge is all about resolve, but in others, this resistance is motivation to seek another alternative. If you have done all that you can do and are still bashing your head against that brick wall, it could well be time to connect with an alternative intention. Look within when frustrations arrive and seek the fluid motion of compromise. If none can be found and you have exhausted all possibility, it is time to look for new inspiration.
This energy will be quite literal for certain romantic connections, and many relationships will be reunited over the next while. In essence however, this influence relates to the deeper learning curve that is gained through understanding and accepting the harsher experience. Where you have experienced shock, loss and disappointment, and life now revolves around this emotional imbalance, harmony will be restored through healing and connecting with genuine others. Receiving this influence indicates that anger will be resolved and internal peace restored, no matter how raw and vulnerable your heart may feel. Where there has been a heavy loss experienced, use this as encouragement to strengthen bonds with those who have displayed the sincerity behind their words.
It is a time of new direction when this influence appears, a time when doorways are open as a gift for your dedicated efforts in improving self. You will cut your losses regards certain projects and intentions, to follow a more productive path of deeper meaning. Where you have been held back due to internal negativity, you have bolstered your confidence and feelings of self-worth and attach yourself to less toxic intentions. Transformation is the key to success here, with the removal of negative habits and the adaptation of more positive aspirations. Through the release of the old, you gain inner strength and it is this personal empowerment that attracts your true potential.
Love and Blessings for an upward turn in your life with greater happiness ahead!
Jean Fisher-Taylor xxx
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