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Happy new week! Welcome to another Monday Mantra, today we are showing gratitude for divine and perfect health by doing a Smile Meditation. Therefore the mantra today is:
I give love and gratitude for my body and health.
How often do we take our bodies for granted until something happens that makes us ill or causes pain when we move. Only then do we realise how lucky we are when our bodies move with ease and we feel well and full of vitality. I came across this Smile Meditation when I was researching for new material for my weekly meditation groups. I hope you take the time to do it and even if you only have a few seconds free each day, say the mantra and give thanks for your health and mobility. Doing such a mediation and repeating the mantra can also bring health back into your life if you have been feeling unwell.
Sit comfortably in an upright position. If using a chair, sit with your feet flat on the floor. Put your hands on your thighs or folded comfortably in your lap. Keep your head nicely balanced on your spine and relax your shoulders. Allow your eyes to close. Take two or three slow relaxing breaths. Exhale slowly and completely, then wait for the inhaling to begin on its own. Relax.
Bring forth in your mind the energy of smiling. Use your powers of visualization to create an image that makes you feel like smiling. You might imagine before you the face of a loved one beaming love toward you. The image could be of your own smiling face, or a memory of a time when you felt love and peace. Perhaps you would like to imagine the beatific face of a divine being shining love upon you.
Hold the image in mind as you continue to breathe slowly and calmly. Feel the welling in your heart as the image stimulates your emotional response. Allow your heart to open to the smiling. Allow yourself to smile back at the image. The change in your facial muscles may be very slight, but let a peaceful, loving expression overtake you.
Become fully aware of the feeling of smiling energy in your mind and body. Register this as a state that is readily available to you. This pleasant emotional state can be summoned, just as you would summon a memory. You need only remember to smile inwardly.
Continue to feel the smiling energy. Let this pleasant thought and feeling course through your body. You can place your inner smile anywhere in your body. You may want to focus your inner smile at each of the chakras (energy centers). Working down from the crown of your head to the base of your spine, or from the root of your spine to the top of your head. The seven major chakras include the crown, forehead (third eye), throat, heart, solar plexus, sacral, and base chakras. Smile into each area and allow the loving energy to swirl.
You may also practice smiling into the various organs of your body. Send your inner smile to your heart, lungs, stomach, liver, kidneys, your glands, and so on. Direct your love to parts of your body that you don’t think about much, or that you don’t like about yourself. Be whole in your compassionate smiling self.
Cultivate the loving feeling that arises with a smile.
Awaken the love energy in your heart and mind.
Move into the flow of love that fills the universe.
Fill yourself with loving kindness.
Share your smile and your loving heart with people in your life.
Grow the circle of your compassion wider and wider, so that it includes yourself, and those you love.
Include those you know that you didn’t think you loved.
Expand the scope of caring to include all beings in the universe.
Develop the habit of using your inner smile to activate your loving heart. Use it to relax your mind and body. Use it to make friends with your world.
Love and Blessings,
Jean Fisher-Taylor x
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