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Hello Everyone!
If you tune in regularly to my blogs you will have noticed that I have been absent for just over a week! I have been away on holiday with Mr T, cruising around Spain and Italy! We had a wonderfully relaxing break and have I have returned refreshed and calmed.
One of my favourite things to do when I am away (as well as eating lots of yummy local food and sampling the local tipple) is to go in to any place of worship, whether its a church, a monastery, a temple or a cathedral. For a short while, I lose myself in the sacred space that is so tranquil and infinitely calm with peace, serenity and above all silence.
In the silence and serenity, I find the sacred space inside of me. The one that has no needs, no doubts, no fears, no anger, no hurt and no judgement. It can create a sacred space like no other even if it is only for a short period. There is a sense of something bigger than life in all places of worship. There is a sense of power and strength within the marbled walls. There is serene beauty in the artworks and statues.
I have discovered that over the years I have become interested in all faiths and beliefs. I pick and choose the beliefs, rituals, prayers and deities that resonate with me. I had tears streaming down my cheeks when I received a papal blessing this week in Rome. Seeing the Pope was an amazing experience. When I read books on Buddhism, my heart swells with words of wisdom and I recognise my own truth. I keep mantras on my desk to Ganesh and Lakshmi from the Hindu faith. I use Feng Shui and I have talismans of love, wealth and health in every room in my house. My purse is bulging with crystals, prayer cards to favourite saints and of course I have Angels EVERYWHERE!!! That is my faith, my truth and probably why I feel at peace in any home of worship.
Where do you come home to your sacred space inside of you? What are your truths? What gives you faith?
I love going away and exploring the world but nothing beats the feeling of coming home!
Love and Blessings,
Jean Fisher-Taylor x