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Monday Mantra - "I release unhealthy,addictive and self sabotaging behaviours in my life"
I would like to introduce you to a lovely lady that is doing incredible work helping people to get over Chocolate Addiction! If I were to attend a CA meeting, I would be sheepishly putting my hand up and saying "My name is Jean and I am a chocoholic!" I crave chocolate when I am stressed, upset or angry. I have secretly been envious of people who say that they lose their appetite when things get tough. When the going gets tough for me....I get going to Cadburys World! Cut out the middle man and drop me in the next batch of Dairy Milk! One of my favourite scenes in a comedy is in the Vicar of Dibley when Dawn French launches herself head first into a chocolate fountain.....brilliant! My cupboards are full of tempting morsels and I am affectionately known as Granny Buttons as I always have milk buttons on hand for my grandson! Well, lets face it, Granny Carrot Sticks just isn't cute...!
Well Carrie Eddins is on a one woman crusade to help us overcome our addictions by running Chocolate Rehab. I confess, when I heard the name I hoped to book myself in, thinking I would choose the Galaxy room. However, Chocolate Rehab is a programme to help examine the causes and recover from the affects of chocolate addictions.
This is taken from Carrie's recent blog
Symptoms of Chocolate Addiction
Often I am asked: " Carrie, how do I know if I am addicted to chocolate and have a problem?" This is the most common question that I am asked. I feel that you know when you are addicted to chocolate and when you are ‘using’ it. So, here’s my mini guide to help those of you confirm what you already know, and those of you who are a little unsure to ‘validate,’ your addiction to chocolate! Of course, it might be that there are some of you who will be able to confirm that your chocolate consumption is all in balance which is absolutely wonderful too
More often than not, a chocoholic does not take their addiction to chocolate seriously, as chocolate is such a socially-acceptable addiction that it often goes unnoticed by observers and even by the chocoholics themselves! In order to take your addiction to chocolate seriously it is vital to look at the symptoms of first to see whether it is necessary or not for you to take further action.
To begin with, pull out your notebook or journal and ask yourself the following questions:
a) Do you ‘use’ chocolate to help you to feel better about yourself at least 80% of the time?
b) Do you ‘use’ chocolate as a way of avoiding dealing with issues that are in your life whatever they might be.
c) Do you ‘use’ chocolate as way of avoiding intimacy and sexual expression with yourself and your partner, or even a potential partner?
d) Do you ‘use’ chocolate nearly every time you are stressed?
e) Do you love chocolate more often than not than yourself?
f) Do you ‘use’ chocolate instead of facing up to dealing with your emotions?
g) Do you experience, at times, insatiable cravings for chocolate when find yourself unable to control your chocolate eating?
h) Do you experience times of the month when you chocolate is the only thing that will ease your pain?
i) Do you often find that after the initial rush from chocolate has died down, and you might feel quite sick, you still want more?
j) Do you often find that after the initial rush from chocolate has died down, and even with a sick feeling, you still want more?
k) Do you often eat chocolate in good times and in bad times, therefore you have so many reasons or excuses to bring out the chocolate that you are not really conscious of?
l) Are there many reasons why you eat chocolate so much, many of which you are not even conscious of?
m) Are you embarrassed about how much chocolate you actually eat and therefore secretive about how and when you eat it?
If you answer ‘yes’ to at least six or more of the above questions, it might help you to finally take your chocolate addiction symptoms seriously and look at overcoming your addiction to chocolate.
I am in the process this week of launching my Chocolate Rehab Coaching Programme, so if you would like to know more about it, email me for more details: There is a selection of coaching on offer from one–2-one coaching, digital coaching to group coaching, for everyone’s purse:)To begin with, pull out your notebook or journal and ask yourself the following questions:
a) Do you ‘use’ chocolate to help you to feel better about yourself at least 80% of the time?
b) Do you ‘use’ chocolate as a way of avoiding dealing with issues that are in your life whatever they might be.
c) Do you ‘use’ chocolate as way of avoiding intimacy and sexual expression with yourself and your partner, or even a potential partner?
d) Do you ‘use’ chocolate nearly every time you are stressed?
e) Do you love chocolate more often than not than yourself?
f) Do you ‘use’ chocolate instead of facing up to dealing with your emotions?
g) Do you experience, at times, insatiable cravings for chocolate when find yourself unable to control your chocolate eating?
h) Do you experience times of the month when you chocolate is the only thing that will ease your pain?
i) Do you often find that after the initial rush from chocolate has died down, and you might feel quite sick, you still want more?
j) Do you often find that after the initial rush from chocolate has died down, and even with a sick feeling, you still want more?
k) Do you often eat chocolate in good times and in bad times, therefore you have so many reasons or excuses to bring out the chocolate that you are not really conscious of?
l) Are there many reasons why you eat chocolate so much, many of which you are not even conscious of?
m) Are you embarrassed about how much chocolate you actually eat and therefore secretive about how and when you eat it?
If you answer ‘yes’ to at least six or more of the above questions, it might help you to finally take your chocolate addiction symptoms seriously and look at overcoming your addiction to chocolate.
Remember, when it feels right go for it, as I am a firm believer in the phrase: ‘when you resonate you accumulate,’ and this happens when you feel right working with someone, to coaching with someone to well anything!
I trust you will find that right way for you to overcome your addiction to chocolate, and this might be me and it might not be. Either way, I wish you every success in overcoming your addiction to chocolate and allowing 2011 to be your happiest year to date!
As this is my year of self acceptance, I accept that I like chocolate a little too much to remain totally healthy! Therefore I am using my mantra above to change my mind set, I may also be calling on Carrie for further advice if I fall off the wagon or is it the Wagon Wheel.....Maybe I need help sooner rather than later!!!
Check Carries website out if you would like more information (Miss R, this would benefit you enormously!)
Love and Blessings,
Jean Fisher-Taylor x